These are the only two times it says He was standing and you're suggesting this means pre-trib rapture? Plus it blows my mind you WANT to deny Jesus is King right now. Just wow. I'm sorry brother but He is King right now!!! Read Mat. 28 a little closer, read our final marching orders, it's in my signature
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
He is King right now, and all being born again does is open our eyes to the truth of it. Jesus is reigning King right now ruling until all enemies have been made a footstool for His feet. He is seated, the work is done. You take this 1 verse where it says "standing" and cling to it like there's not at least 3 times as many that say He's seated. In this verse Jesus may have stood up off His throne to welcome His child being martyred right then. Who knows, it only says that here.
I don't know man, even if I disagreed with this view I'd have to find another "hill to die on" rather than argue "Jesus is not King", just because of the words coming out of my mouth. There is no other point you could make here, nothing else to debate other than, "Jesus isn't King". He is my King right now, as a matter of FACT He is everyone's King right now. They're just blind to it, this is what being born again is, having our spiritual eyes and ears resurrected and open to the TRUTH. I know the way you see it and it robs our Lord of so much glory and power. It breaks my heart.
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
He is King right now, and all being born again does is open our eyes to the truth of it. Jesus is reigning King right now ruling until all enemies have been made a footstool for His feet. He is seated, the work is done. You take this 1 verse where it says "standing" and cling to it like there's not at least 3 times as many that say He's seated. In this verse Jesus may have stood up off His throne to welcome His child being martyred right then. Who knows, it only says that here.
I don't know man, even if I disagreed with this view I'd have to find another "hill to die on" rather than argue "Jesus is not King", just because of the words coming out of my mouth. There is no other point you could make here, nothing else to debate other than, "Jesus isn't King". He is my King right now, as a matter of FACT He is everyone's King right now. They're just blind to it, this is what being born again is, having our spiritual eyes and ears resurrected and open to the TRUTH. I know the way you see it and it robs our Lord of so much glory and power. It breaks my heart.
I am not denying that Jesus is not King, Lord, God, Savior, Mediator, etc. I was only pointing out that Stephen, being full of the Holy Spirit, was able to see the very Throne Room of God and Jesus is "Standing on the Father's right hand," not sitting as other Scriptures indicate. I have no idea how you have concluded what you have towards what I believe, but you are so far from the truth it's outright ridiculous!
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