You're kind of losing me with this whole repopulate part.
And as for the tribulation period, I think it's been ongoing for centuries. So there are no saints that suffer through it and make it out alive at the end. I think the tribulation is the slow decay and apostacy of the churches and world religions. There are passages and scriptures that give me this impression. But, I really don't think these end times and millennialism stuff is in my head. I don't get it. I don't understand it.
If you continue to study, the Lord will reveal it to you. If you have any questions at all I am always happy to respond with scripture.
* You are here
* The Lord descends to the air to gather the church
* Antichrist is revealed and God's wrath begins via the seals, trumpets and bowl judgments (Revelation chapters 6 thru 18)
* The Lord returns after the 7th bowl has been poured out (Rev.16:17 "It is done")
* All of the wicked who make it alive through the tribulation period are killed by the Lord (Rev.19:15, 17-18, 21)
* The beast and the false prophet are thrown alive into the lake of fire (Rev.19:20)
* Satan is thrown into the Abyss and sealed in it during the thousand years (Rev.20:1-3
* Millennial kingdom begins (literal thousand years) (Rev.20:1-3)
* Satan is released at the end of the thousand years for one last deception (Rev.20:7-9)
* Satan cast into the lake of fire (Rev.20:10)
* Great white throne judgment of all the unrighteous dead (the church is not judged at this judgment) - Rev.20:11-15
* New heaven, new earth, new Jerusalem. (Revelation chapters 21 & 22)
* Eternal state -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
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