Not sure why you are taking issue though. I believe you are one of the several on here who relentlessly attack those who expose WoF and other heretics along those lines. Didn't you call that kind of thing something like a witch hunt/heretic hunters and ridicule others for doing so? Yes, I believe that was you. Not to pick a fight, just noting a double standard and inconsistency.
oh boy
let's set this straight, ok?
I am 100% AGAINST word of faith nonsense.
you have me mixed up with someone else for sure
there are those here who will not tolerate ANY kind of exposure of wrong teaching and call that a witch hunt. that is not me
what I am against, is gossip and Christians tolerating that
I find gossip one of the worst sins in the church and said as much some weeks back
please do not confuse me with the WOF bunch.
it's kind of funny, I was exactly just now reading this:
A lot of this witchcraft is coming from the False gospel or False doctrine of a “Name it and Claim it” theology! This is nothing but witchcraft for personal use. It has a great self-centered appeal. The lie is that we have a “free license” to wrong prayer, which is irresponsible and immature! Unfortunately there are denominations that believe that as a child of God you can “have anything” you want through prayer as God’s child. That is deception and witchcraft, which releases evil spirits and torment against the innocent! That is a perversion of God’s Truth (Word). All things of God and from God are to be “in” Him (“in Christ”) meaning that the Word of Truth is “in” accordance to God’s Will, the Full Gospel, that is His “Perfect Will”(!) not just any old thing we can imagine or conjure!
on another site (and I don't agree with everything on that site, but I sure agree with the above in quotes) and I thought to check this thread and so I did and found what you just wrote to me
I am totally against any kind of spiritual manipulation or Christians thinking they can do such things
it's witchcraft. anything that tries to alter reality through manipulation is witchcraft
I have suffered at the hands of so called Christians who have basically 'used' the Bible against others so I can assure anyone and everyone, I don't do such things
however, I am also NOT a Calvinist and I do not care for MacArthur or his teaching
no one has the truth market cornered. we have the Bible and we GROW in Christ. that means every one of us that God considers His own