read the entire Book of Daniel.
without your commentary footnotes.
Daniel 12 specifically.
read Matthew Mark Luke & John, then Revelation.
without your commentary footnotes.
Daniel 12 specifically.
read Matthew Mark Luke & John, then Revelation.
I suggest you read it also. And please use the right Bible.
i can prove you do. have proved it.
you prove it yourself.
you prove it yourself.
You proved nothing.
wrong division. chopping up.
false doctrine.
false doctrine.
When you don't rightly divide the word of truth, you cause the Bible to contradict.
So I suggest you get yourself a copy of that book I recommended to you and read it. Because you still don't understand the Dispensational Truths.
and THAT ^^^ doesn't apply to YOU?
James 2 can apply to a Christian for instruction in righteousness, but when it comes to Doctrine, then you have to be careful. Because
1) James is written to the twelve tribes scattered abroad.
and 2) James is doctrinally pointed at the Jews in the time of Jacob's trouble.
a-a-a-a-a-and...there's your uber-dispensationalism.
so close....but you just can't see it.
so close....but you just can't see it.
You cannot see it.
like.......2000+ years in his future?
You do understand that the time of Jacob's trouble will take place in the future, don't you??
oh you own it.
No that is just your opinion which based on ignorance. I already told you that I do not promote hyper dispensationalism.
....but....NOT JAMES?
I am sure James had an understanding of it. But it was first revealed to Paul, since he is the apostle to the Gentiles.
Paul never told Timothy to SAVAGE God`s single redemptive plan dating back to ADAM.
so how dare YOU.
so how dare YOU.
Salvation changes within each dispensation Zone. That's Bible Doctrine.
Also, in the Old Testament, they weren't looking forward to the cross back.