Look, I’m southern and a bit slow, but it seems the only problem with your analysis is that there is no “7 years of tribulation” mentioned on Scripture - it’s a Jesuit distortion of the 70 Weeks where the last week is sent down to the end of time to unfold just after the saints are “caught up”, and later Darby who was seduced by this nonsense added the “secret” part.
https://christianchat.com/threads/t...d-how-many-years-are-left.197122/post-4479991 [Post #28]
So, Christians will be here for the “time of trouble” and some will suffer martyrdom, but when probation closes and God’s wrath is poured out in the 7 Last Plagues, the promises of the prophecy of Psalm 91 shall come to pass.
...but that those "saints" existing in the trib years (FOLLOWING "our Rapture") will have come to faith FOLLOWING "our Rapture" (MANY WILL!!)... Those of them who DIE in the trib, will be "resurrected [meaning, 'to stand again' (on the earth)]" AT END OF / AFTER the Trib, at the same time that the OT saints will be "resurrected" (per what Daniel was told of himself [OT saint] in Dan12:13; per what Job said of himself in Job 19:25-27; per what Martha said [and understood aright] in John 11:24 [about "IN[/AT] the Last Day" (which is not "a singular 24-hr day," but a very lengthy [earthly-located] TIME-PERIOD [*IN which* a GREAT MANY things will transpire, including this at the commencement of the earthly MK age, upon His "RETURN" there])]; so Rev20:4b is a verse (part of a verse
One of the things I see as being very problematic for the "post-trib" viewpoint is that, once we (believers) are "Raptured" (regardless of what you think the "destination-location" ends up being), and the rest of everyone else (the "lost / unsaved") are destroyed, as most agree happens at that point, then who is the following verse speaking of (at that point in the chronology [His "RETURN" to the earth]), Rev19:15b, "and He shall [FUTURE tense] rule [/shepherd] them [/the nations] with a rod [/sceptre] of iron [righteousness and strength]"... esp. b/c of what Rev5:9 shows the "24 elders" to be saying ("hast redeemed US to God by thy blood out of EVERY kindred and tongue and people and nation") and what Rev1:5-6 says similarly ("US" 3x) and also what Rev2:26-27 says (Jesus speaking, "TO HIM will I give power over the nations, and he shall rule them [/the nations] with a rod of iron... EVEN AS I RECEIVED of My Father").
To be clear, I do not believe there will be any UNsaved / UNbelievers who will ENTER the MK age (at its commencement [aka "the wedding FEAST/SUPPER/FESTIVITIES"])... though those born TO the saints (throughout the MK age) will not be "BORN automatically RIGHTEOUS" and thus will be the ONLY ones susceptible to "death" in the MK age (when "death" will be much more RARE in the MK age, reserved ONLY for the rebellious [i.e. the unsaved]).
I can see no way that the "post-trib" idea can explain ALL of the related passages, but that many of the related passages are disregarded, and the "chronology" issues are butchered altogether... = )
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