I am fairly confident that Joseph knew how to speak and understand Hebrew before he was sold into slavery.........and it is interesting to note that Moses penned the word exactly how many years after Joseph was dead and buried.......those that worship translations will never accept the fact that God only inspired HIS word to be penned in two primary languages.....with a little Chaldean and Aramaic "peppered" in........the simple truth is that they expect us to believe that God INSPIRED HOLY MEN to pen the word and then later inspired 54 false teachers, in a false religion, with direct orders from a pagan, witch burning, pedophile King to pen his word.......Yeah....not buying it......
It is a translation, transliteration with some of it copied verbatim from previous English versions....And this "the above" comes from one that uses a King James, yet goes to the original every step of the way....
It is a translation, transliteration with some of it copied verbatim from previous English versions....And this "the above" comes from one that uses a King James, yet goes to the original every step of the way....
Hebrew at that time would have been changed, as living for 400 years in a nation that speaks other languages always do.
I remember being told how corrupt all these other bibles were and how i too defended the kjv for many years,
It is so liberating to be freed from this form of idol worship
I still love the king jimmy, it is what i use because i am used to it, but i no longer idolose it.
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