I fail to understand why you have to make every question you ask some kind of Spanish Inquisition kind of thing. You come across as being very hateful... mean spirited.
It's difficult to take you seriously when it appears that the only reason you jump into a conversation is to hammer someone over some nit-picky point.
Poor pooky.
Maybe it's because I'm sick of the same lies being puked out by the same liars leading ppl astray with their false teachings about the grace of the True and Living God who loved us and gave Himself for us.
I consider many of their posts hateful and mean-spirited.
jj posts walls of text that always boil down to the same works-righteousness, but can't answer a simple yes or no question with a simple yes or no answer.
Pilgrimpasting continues 'liking' every post by certain false-teachers and pasting scripture and inserting her own spin on it as if she's(?) infallible.
Their arrogance and air of superiority leaks out all over this web-site like a trail of slime from a common garden slug.
Another one is so confused and convoluted in the things he(?) posts and the wholesale insults that have been directed at good, solid, bible-believing, christians, it's hard to believe he's gotten away with it this long, except most ppl are coming to the conclusion that he's either a child or is mentally challenged in some capacity so grace is extended.
But it's sad, when good ppl have been banned for lesser offenses.
Then, for some reason, you feel the need to act like a spoiled child whenever false-teaching gets challenged. I keep thinking there's still hope for you to get past that, and receive the salvation God offers by grace through faith in Christ alone, APART FROM ANYTHING ELSE, not water-baptism, not self-described 'obedience', but you keep going back to supporting the enemies of the cross who seek to establish their own righteousness and insist on imposing it on others.
Jesus called those who did 'despite the grace of God' and led others astray, keeping them from His salvation as a gift, a den of vipers and offspring of the devil.
Hateful and mean-spirited?
Fine, call me what you will. When you get saved, that will change.
Yeah, I'm hateful toward false-teaching about my Lord and Savior,
I'm mean-spirited towards false-teaching, arrogance, self-righteousness.
Yep, sure am! Especially when it comes from someone who refuses to answer a simple question.
One as important as 'Is Jesus God?' (which you seem to consider nit-picky, or the spanish inquisition. You might want to look up the meanings)