Take a look at a Jewish calendar.
Spot any babylonian paganry?
And talking about zionism is a strawman. The Mother of Harlots is apostate Hebrewism, which circumnavigates Gods law with oral traditions. TALMUDISM. These guys INVENTED the game dude. They made the first system to EVER go against Gods Law. They are the MOTHER system. They went awhoring after idols, cheating on God.
Pagans never cheated on God. They were never betrothed to Him. They were simply the LOVERS of apostate Israel, the harlot bride, just as scripture describes.
Spot any babylonian paganry?
And talking about zionism is a strawman. The Mother of Harlots is apostate Hebrewism, which circumnavigates Gods law with oral traditions. TALMUDISM. These guys INVENTED the game dude. They made the first system to EVER go against Gods Law. They are the MOTHER system. They went awhoring after idols, cheating on God.
Pagans never cheated on God. They were never betrothed to Him. They were simply the LOVERS of apostate Israel, the harlot bride, just as scripture describes.
Babylon did not start AFTER the hebrew race. It started at the tower of babel.
Sorry. I don't twist reality to make my beliefs come true.