Justification is the judicial act of the Father, who declares a guilty sinner righteous based on the merits of Christ's sinless life and atoning death through faith.
A. Justificatiin is the act of God
B. On the basis and merits of Christ
C faith is the condition
D. Having heard the Gospel and bieving, we are sealed with the Spirit
The apostle Paul declares that justification is by faith, that God justifies those who believe through the propitiation of Christ. Being justified by faith we have peace with. Having heard the Word, you believed, and having believed you were sealed with the Holy Spirit ( Ephesians 2:14), by grace you are saved, through faith (Ephesians 2:9), to him that does not, but believes on God who justtifies the ungodly (Romans 4), etc.
A. Justificatiin is the act of God
B. On the basis and merits of Christ
C faith is the condition
D. Having heard the Gospel and bieving, we are sealed with the Spirit
The apostle Paul declares that justification is by faith, that God justifies those who believe through the propitiation of Christ. Being justified by faith we have peace with. Having heard the Word, you believed, and having believed you were sealed with the Holy Spirit ( Ephesians 2:14), by grace you are saved, through faith (Ephesians 2:9), to him that does not, but believes on God who justtifies the ungodly (Romans 4), etc.
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