[QUOTE="Every scholar does NOT recognize that they are men in Genesis 6. Where did you get that nonsense?
I think you misunderstood my statement. For all these centuries everyone who has written about
Matt 24:37-38 interprets it as Jesus referring to the activity of
people in the days of Noah. And of course, they would be correct. Now we assume Jesus was referencing something in the bible about the activity of people in the days of Noah, that there is something in the scripture Jesus is talking about that we can look and read for ourselves to confirm what people were doing in the days of Noah regarding this marrying and giving in marriage of which he speaks and of course we find it only in this passage in Gen 6. If this is the scripture Jesus is referring to and it is assumed that the disciples understood Jesus as talking about what
people were doing in the days of Noah then we are thereby concluding that Jesus interpreted sons of god as people and not fallen angels. Otherwise, you would have to interpret it as Jesus saying that in the last days before the end comes, as in the days of Noah, Angels will be taking wives again like they did before the flood, and yet no one interprets these statements of Jesus as referring to angels do they? I look forward to an intelligent answer concerning how to interpret these statements of Jesus in Matt 24:37-38. 1) was he referring to a scripture in the bible or just making a statement that you cannot reference in the scriptures concerning the days of Noah? 2) If he was referring to something in Gen what scriptures was he referring to that speak of people marrying in the days of Noah?[/QUOTE]
THE ABOVE IS ALL FROM SCRIBE. He didn't grab the original quote correctly***
No one has said that every human except Noah married or had sex with angels. What we have said is that ALL flesh had "corrupted itself" in some manner. That is PRECISELY what the text says. You are assuming to know what technologies the people of that era had. What does the fact that they married each other in their corrupted state have to do with anything?
The point Jesus was making was that because life seemed to exist as it always had, they didn't believe judgement would come. This idea of scoffing at those who preach repentance and a judgement to come is all over the Bible. Again. Neither here nor there as far as who the sons of God are in Gen 6.
As for the technology, we can only speculate. The CHILDREN of fallen angels and human women likely greatly corrupted humanity through sex, and their offspring having offspring and so on, but it may be more likely that they had some other technology to merge with fallen angels. We don't know. What we DO KNOW is that ALL flesh corrupted itself.
We are so programmed to think of ancient people as less intelligent, almost caveman type beings. This is stupid reasoning. As time goes by, UNLESS you DO believe in evolution, humanity is getting weaker. Yes we have accumulated, accelerated technologies to keep us alive a little longer, but we also have weaker immune systems, and a vast array of diseases and genetic disorders that seem to be constantly getting worse. Autistic children, allergies to everything from nuts to gluten to water, and so on, even lower sperm counts. This all makes sense when you think about the fall of creation and the world winding down.
Who would have thought 75 -100 yrs ago, outside of Sci-Fi, that we could manipulate the DNA of everything from plants to animals, to HUMANS, and worse yet, MIX THEM! I can post a thousand articles of us doing just that. Good luck trying to find some foods that don't say "partially produced with genetic engineering". They have even mixed human DNA with animals, and have created TRUE designer babies. So who knows what they were capable of with a higher intelligence, and fallen angels to teach them.
So with the understanding that this is speculative, I think mankind is again, AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH, merge with fallen angels.
I think they do this with the mark of the beast. Somehow taking this mark forever alters what you are. You will no longer be fully human. This is why those that take the mark are forever irredeemable. It will change them on the DNA level.
There you have it! Have fun with it. But Jesus' comment in NO WAY verifies that the sons of God in Gen 6 are human. Read the thread to see that there is only ONE Biblical proof. They are fallen angels.