As in Molech? The false god the Israelites worshipped by making an idol of the serpent staff that preformed the miracle of healing instead of worshipping God?
Just as moses lifted up the snake in wilderness so to was the son of man lifted up..that is written... have no idea what your making reference to....
Us to must be born of the glorified body waiting in heaven for us befor we have eternal life...
best interprataion ive seen is this Answer:
Throughout the wilderness wanderings of the Israelites, God was constantly teaching them things about Himself and about their own sinfulness. He brought them into the wilderness, to the same mountain where He revealed Himself to Moses, so that He could instruct them in what He required of them. (the works we must do) Shortly after the amazing events at Mt. Sinai, God brought them to the border of the Promised Land, but when the people heard the reports from the spies, their faith failed. They said that God could not overcome the giants in the land. As a result of this unbelief, God sent them into the wilderness to wander until that generation died out (Numbers 14:28-34).
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