
...I do not understand what has happened today, something has changed and i can`t put my finger on it...When i have fell back to alcohol in the past, i wake up so full of remorse and shame that the condemnation from the devil has had me laid up in bed for at least 5 days, my energy is normally flat, and i spend my days in Psalms crying to God for the hurt of my disobedience towards Him...But today has been so different, He has given me energy to get through the day, i had my bath, made lunch, been on this thread which has been full of the Holy Spirit and pure Joy

...I have napped, woke up and ready for dinner, i have not been listening to the evil one, instead i have been reading out Scripture of who i am in Christ, i have no guilt or shame on me as i type, i think it may be because i have trusted in the Lord today instead of looking at my sin...And i must say a big shout out to ALL those people today on the thread that let me bring my sin in here, people have helped me so much, your support has reached me with love...\o/ Praise God...Love you all...xox...