Precisely my point.

The word 'believe' IS in the present tense.

And every day, we believe, in the present tense. You cannot say, "I'll keep believing when tomorrow comes". Tomorrow is in the future. Belief is an every day belief, not a sometimes I do, sometimes I don't belief.. You believed yesterday, you've believed today, and you will believe again tomorrow.
For the record, I don't believe in hyper grace at all, which I have stated both on this thread, and several others. I'm not a Calvinist, nor any other denomination. I attend church simply to hear the service and learn from it.
Show me with scripture, where Jesus says that the people who KEEP believing to keep salvation, "presently has eternal life".. He doesn't say that at all, anywhere in the bible, that a person must keep believing to stay saved.. The very second a person believes on Jesus, they are saved, for human life and all eternity.
Having belief in Jesus will carry you through your lifetime.

It is JESUS who says that those who never TRULY believed on Him, are not Christians. Those are not my words, nor the words of anyone else here. Those people merely believed the idea that there is a God, but they did not believe in God Himself.
Do you know the future? Tomorrow is in the future. How do you know that you will still be believing, when tomorrow arrives? I'll give you a hint: it's called faith. Your faith keeps your belief going.

BUT your faith does NOT keep you believing that you have to KEEP believing in order to be saved. You're making Jesus a liar by saying that if you don't KEEP believing, then you will lose salvation.. That's your own self trying to take over what Jesus has already done. Jesus says "believe on me".. So start believing that your initial leap of belief, is enough to keep you saved.
The word 'believe' is in the present tense. Can you explain how it is that one presently believes without continuing to believe, as if they are two different things?
Now I can't tell if you are presently in 'H-grace OSAS' mode, or 'Calvinist OSAS' mode, lol, so I don't know which argument to address, but what is clear from this and other verses is it is only the believing person (present tense) who presently has eternal life. If you stop believing you no longer fulfill the qualification of the one who Jesus said presently has eternal life. So you can go one of two ways with this: You can say the true believer never stops believing, or else he was never a true believer to begin with, and therefore always fulfills the condition for having eternal life, or, the person who stops believing still has eternal life despite the fact that he no longer believes and is not presently believing (which is a joke).
It's easy to see the Calvinist OSAS argument is by far the only reasonable one of the two (the true believer can't stop believing), but that makes passages like Hebrews 10:26-31 meaningless. And of course we can instantly discount any argument that says ex-believers will enter into the kingdom of God. So that's out. But in my doctrine (you are saved as long as you are believing) all the scriptures about eternal life and believing, and the warnings about what will happen if you stop believing come into perfect harmony and in no way cancel out or nullify one another.