I'm not trying to insult anyone, but the truth is this. Jesus did not say, "all those who KEEP believing in Me for the purpose of keeping thy salvation are saved".. NOWHERE IN THE BIBLE does it say anything even remotely close..
He says that all who BELIEVE shall be saved. Today is the present. Tomorrow is in the future today, but tomorrow, shall be in the present.. My belief today, shall be the same belief tomorrow and every day after that.

Why? Because my faith and God's grace are proof.
Is it not written:
1Co_12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.
Is that True? NO person calls Jesus "LORD" except by the Holy Ghost. That is what this very plainly teaches. And this verse is from the Word of God, it is TRUE. NO PERSON can call Jesus the LORD, except by the Holy Ghost.
Luk_6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?
Those who believe and DO what He says are they that build a house on rock and shall stand
Those who believe and DO NOT what He says are they that build on sand and will be detroyed EVEN THOUGH THEY BELIEVE. This is confirmed in another Scripture as follows:
Mat_7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. This generation would do well to study what "Work iniquity" means.
These people call Jesus "Lord" which they could NOT DO unless by the Holy Ghost, These people call Jesus "Lord" because these people believe that He is the Lord. But what? But they do not DO what He says or commands for them to do. So these people who call Jesus "LORD" will be rejected by Jesus the very person they call "LORD" and why are they rejected, because they do not DO what He commanded them to do "Love One Another"
Jesus confirms this teaching yet again in another parable. The Parable of the sheep and goats being separated. What this generation altogether fails to read and understand is that
BOTH sheep and goats call Jesus "Lord" Which they could not do if not by the Holy Ghost. This generation rationalizes that the goats are the unsaved, which is NOT TRUE. The unsaved do not call Jesus Lord. The unsaved will not stand in the judgement on that Day. Judgement Day when Christ returns is to judge all those who profess to be Christians. Goats call Jesus "Lord" these are professed Christians. the Sheep call Jesus "Lord" these also are professed Christians, but their works determine who they really are, their hearts are revealed by the works that they do, the treasures that come out of them. If they DO what Christ commands (Love One Another) these are sheep. But even if they claim to believe in Jesus but do NOT do what He commands (Fail to Love One Another) these are goats, who have built their house on sand, they believe but don't DO what He says.
The unsaved are UNSAVED and shall not stand in this judgement. (psalms 1:5)
Judgement Day is a day that judges every person who claims to believe in Jesus, their names are either written in the Book of Life, or their names have been blotted out of the Book of Life.
The Great White Throne Judgment is when the ungodly, unsaved, satan, and demons will be judged.
This generation better awake from their sleeping before it is to late, and they do not realize these Truths above.
Sheep are they that believe in Jesus and DO what Jesus commands
Goats are they that believe in Jesus and DO NOT what Jesus commands.
Sheep are they that believe in Jesus and build their house on Rock because they DO what He says.
Goats are they that believe in Jesus and build their house on sand because they do NOT DO what He says.
Scriptures are clear on this matter. But because this above does not line up with the false teaching that this generation holds on to, this above teaching will be rejected. NOT because it is contrary to Scriptures, but because it is contrary to the beliefs that you hold on to, the false doctrines that you choose to believe.
Please note, this post is not specifically to the poster but is to all those who read this post.
When a person first believes in Jesus Christ, they are Saved, their name is written in the Book of Life.
Now that person is SAVED, it depends on what they DO if they remain in the Book of Life or if they are blotted out of the Book of Life. If they DO what Jesus commands, then they will not be blotted out, if they endure to the end, they will be Judged on Judgement Day as being Saved.
People know you not that there is only ONE day that determines if you are SAVED or NOT SAVED? Right now i can, with all confidence claim "I am Saved" but it is not until Judgement Day, when the Book of Life is opened and my name is found within, that Jesus will SAVE me (Rapture me up to be with Him)
i am Saved today. i believe in Jesus with all my heart, soul, strength, and body. my name is written in the Book of Life TODAY. But if tomorrow i go and kidnap a child, molest that child, then kill that child, is my name still written in the Book of Life or would it be blotted out of it?
Oh i know the logic of this generation, that rationalizes this away by saying "Then i was not Truly Saved in the first place" How stupid is that? i believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. i believe that Jesus died on the cross for me. The Preacher told me when i came to the alter and asked Jesus Christ to forgive my sins, and i accepted Him into my heart, and the Preacher told me "You are now Saved" What? you say that i wasn't? That i was not Truly saved to begin with? Can't you see how that is an illogical argument.
Are you Saved right now? Is YOUR name written in the Book of Life right now? What then, it is not possible for you to Hate anyone in the future? Not possible for you to have unforgiveness in your heart to another in the FUTURE. Hate and Unforgiveness are two things that specifically teach if you do not forgive others neither will you be forgiven, if you hate others you do not know the TRUTH.
What i tell you in this post is the TRUTH. Those who hear the Shepherds voice (TRUTH) will receive it. Those who hold on to false doctrines will reject it because the TRUTH has no place in them, these are they that are still in bondage to sin. A sin that you can't cease from is a sin that you are in bondage to. These claim to LOVE Jesus, but obey His enemy and live in sin continually. These are goats, who call Jesus "Lord" but do not do what He COMMANDS (Love One Another)
Scriptures plainly reveal to BE SAVED is more than to just believe.
It is written if you believe in Jesus, you are Saved. This is TRUE
It is written if you call upon the name of Jesus, you are Saved. This is TRUE
It is written if you endure to the end, you are Saved. This is TRUE
It is written if you believe and are baptized, you are Saved. This is TRUE
It is written if you enter into Jesus, you are Saved. This is TRUE
It is written that we are Saved by HOPE. This is TRUE
It is written by Grace though Faith we are Saved. This is TRUE
It is written whosoever eateth His Flesh and drinks His Blood shall have Eternal Life. This is TRUE
It is written those who obey Him, have Eternal Salvation. This is TRUE
Do we pick and choose which verse gives us Salvation? That is what it seems this generation does indeed. they pick and choose only the verses which teach that believing in Jesus you are SAVED. While altogether voiding all other Scriptures which teach obeying for Salvation, calling upon His Name for Salvation, enduring to the end for Salvation.
Here is the TRUTH. ALL of them are TRUE. Every single one of those verses is what it takes to be SAVED. Those who pick and choose specific verses to believe neglect the TRUTH of all the other verses. A person says a person must only believe in Jesus to be Saved, and they know those verses by heart. But fail to understand it is written you must believe AND be baptized to be Saved.
WHAT!!!! you have to do something else besides merely believing.
RED FLAGS!!!! ALARMS !!!!! OH MY!!!! This generation picks and chooses which verses they decide to believe and which verses they ignore, make void, or interpret away. But the TRUTH is
ALL OF THEM ARE CORRECT. Not one verse without the others.
Believing you are Saved. TRUE
Obeying you are Saved. TRUE
Believing and baptized you are Saved. TRUE
Calling on the name of Jesus you are Saved. TRUE
ALL verses are TRUE and ALL VERSES APPLY. false doctrines teach to believe one verse over another verse. The teaching that believing is enough is to say all other verses which plainly teach otherwise are in error, wrong, or need to be interpreted away to mean something other than what they say.
Do not hearken to these people who believe one verse over another, they are devoid of the TRUTH, no matter how pretty their white walled tires are, no matter how Christian they LOOK, they are nothing but goats and not sheep. Sheep hear the voice of their Master Jesus. the goats obey the voice of the Masters enemy. The wolf saying "come this way, I will show you the path to get to Heaven, follow me" The wolf saying "As long as you believe those few verses that teach you are SAVED by believing in Jesus, you are going to go to Heaven, don't be concerned with all those other verses, as long as you believe in Jesus you are SAVED, come follow me, continue to live in those sins, just makes sure you ask Jesus for forgiveness every single night for them, 365 days a year OK? your fine. You can obey Jesus on Sunday, OK?"
i have told you the TRUTH. ALL Scriptures are inspired by God. NOT some of them. Those who pick and choose which verses they will believe and which ones they will not believe, do not know the Truth of Scriptures.
††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††