Dear Sir, Jaumej is kind and loving with much to share with us and the ongoing behaviour is not good for anyone. I consider those being called that are people that have had interaction in some way so 'why throw yourself in to the mix?'
Seriously, its looks pretty clear to me why I responded to his post - and I do not see this as,"throwing myself into the mix"
and he is not referring to you as a "little cohort", so why do you even care what I have posted?
Originally Posted by JaumeJ
I am afraid I see, "you and your little, small, cohort" as self appointed inquisitors", and you have decided i SHOULD BE YOUR FAVORITE HERETIC.
Please, if you cannot tolerate what people understand from the Master, do not follow them from post to post.....now for the sake of peace I shall un subscribe to this post used by 'your little group.'
Seriously, its looks pretty clear to me why I responded to his post - and I do not see this as,"throwing myself into the mix"
and he is not referring to you as a "little cohort", so why do you even care what I have posted?

I am afraid I see, "you and your little, small, cohort" as self appointed inquisitors", and you have decided i SHOULD BE YOUR FAVORITE HERETIC.
Please, if you cannot tolerate what people understand from the Master, do not follow them from post to post.....now for the sake of peace I shall un subscribe to this post used by 'your little group.'
I guess it explains why the church is in such a sad state.. everyone is afraid to confront people of sin..