Hi Studyman, dear old mom use to say
"give credit where credit is due." Author Colin Smith covered a reasonable amount of information dealing with
"False Teachers", and his article was based on one verse from the bible,
While you continue to criticize the evangelical community around you it only confirms to the rest of this forum that you are the exact mirror image of what the Pharisaical community was all about;
Quote/definition: "practicing or advocating strict
observance of external forms and ceremonies of religion or conduct
without regard to the spirit; self-righteous; hypocritical.
One word Studyman;
Attribute: Author Colin Smith
Article: Seven Traits of a False Teacher
Colin Smith, (MPhil, London School of Theology) is senior pastor of , a multi-campus church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, and his ministry extends through his radio program
Unlocking the Bible. He is also committed to mentoring next generation pastors, missionaries, and church-planters through
The Orchard Network. Colin and his wife, Karen, have two married sons and five granddaughters.