Wrong again.
In Matt: 13:22 Jesus said the seed in the third soil represents a man who hears the word but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it making it unfruitful.
A planted seed can take life and grow without bearing fruit because neither of these are fruit-bearing events.
Ever see a tomato plant with no tomatoes...it happens.
The way a believer bears fruit is to remain in a close personal relationship with the Lord, following the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and working in the strength of the Lord.
Many people do not do this.
Plus fruit in this parable can mean converts.
In Matt: 13:22 Jesus said the seed in the third soil represents a man who hears the word but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it making it unfruitful.
A planted seed can take life and grow without bearing fruit because neither of these are fruit-bearing events.
Ever see a tomato plant with no tomatoes...it happens.
The way a believer bears fruit is to remain in a close personal relationship with the Lord, following the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and working in the strength of the Lord.
Many people do not do this.
Plus fruit in this parable can mean converts.
He had done a bible study and had written out a bible study conclusion.
It was his understanding of Gods word in his life.
And I saw the fruit of the word of life in another. It is the words of life
flowing from someone like it is part of who they are.
This fruit is not good works alone, but the word of God being expressed in
His people.
So me sharing here is part of the word being expressed and any other
believer whose Jesus's words dwell within. So the idea of fruit as good
works is actually a distraction. If the word is polluted and destroyed,
it can die, and the faith collapse. This implies these people lose salvation
and their eternal destiny, because they have become enemies to the very
word that brought them life.
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