Why not tell us all the truth Fran.....like the truth you were banned once and are now here breaking the rules pushing obedience while in disobedience....start there...show us some integrity and honesty.....!!!
It is ironic, Jesus says simply He came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it.
It stood most of my life in Christ as a question, did Jesus mean the law is gone or He is empowering
others to fulfil the law?
Paul answers this that love fulfils the law. Now if ones heart is cold and hard, love is just a forced
emotion towards people who are just about ok, but grudgingly you give them attention.
But if Jesus has broken in, reformed you, remade your foundations, your reactions, your aspirations,
your time energy and focus, the love you share is the law fulfilled.
Now to those with closed hearts, who fail constantly, and any measure is such an effort to even get
up to try, the law is an impossible burden, and every man woman and child on the planet has to agree
this is the state of everyone, except it is not. That is why the church and His people shine like lights,
testimony to open hearts shinning in His love.
So all this legalistic point scoring, rule setting, judgeing, abuse, slander, accusations of lies and
fraud are just nails in the coffin of someone without victory or love flowing in abandon.
Passion is not the song, just swing the sword and break them down.
But we my friend will die to say Jesus loves you and can change you into His likeness, through the
cross, that the power of the cross knows no limits to those who believe Him, that He is the Son of
God, not a theological idea, but flesh and blood, able to save to eternity and make us children
of the living God, perfect as He is perfect, through His will and His power.
That is an eternal promise, and the power of the impossible to conquer sin, heal the bitterness
and hate, and cleanse us of all that is impure, to present us righteous before His throne. Amen.