I said faith IN something never seen. Abraham took Gods word as fact before the fact became manifest in real time. It was counted as righteousness. Quite the opposite of science based religion. God said so. That was enough proof for Abraham. Remember I went to public school 10 out of 12 of my first school years and teaching creation was illegal.
We were taught if it can't be seen, measured and repeated it probably isn't real. Faith was mocked and considered delusional, wishful or magical thinking.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder.
2. Odd beliefs or magical thinking inconsistent with subcultural norms (e.g. superstitous, belief in clairvoyance, telepathy, or a sixth sense.)
7. Behavior or appearance that is odd, eccentric or peculiar.
Agnosticism is the rule and atheism is preferred by law over faith in schools now. Our children are at odds against the government for the simple right to pray. It's worse now than before. We believe in the comming of the Lord. Science is the false god of this age and we may have to fight to prevent the government from taking our children in the near future.
Some states even require gay is OK training in elementary schools. But bibles and prayer are outlawed. Have you heard of an after school bible study in an empty school room lately?
I realize this is way more than you asked about but it all ties in. Abraham believed in the comming of the Lord before Jesus was born as most Christians believe he will return. We are the minority.
We were taught if it can't be seen, measured and repeated it probably isn't real. Faith was mocked and considered delusional, wishful or magical thinking.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder.
2. Odd beliefs or magical thinking inconsistent with subcultural norms (e.g. superstitous, belief in clairvoyance, telepathy, or a sixth sense.)
7. Behavior or appearance that is odd, eccentric or peculiar.
Agnosticism is the rule and atheism is preferred by law over faith in schools now. Our children are at odds against the government for the simple right to pray. It's worse now than before. We believe in the comming of the Lord. Science is the false god of this age and we may have to fight to prevent the government from taking our children in the near future.
Some states even require gay is OK training in elementary schools. But bibles and prayer are outlawed. Have you heard of an after school bible study in an empty school room lately?
I realize this is way more than you asked about but it all ties in. Abraham believed in the comming of the Lord before Jesus was born as most Christians believe he will return. We are the minority.
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