Well you asked a question, so I will answer it and be done
A. 1 John 3:9 is not teaching sinless perfection. There is no one who never sins, except Jesus of course
B. The word “commit” in the phrase committeth sin is in the present tense in koine greek
C. The function of the verb in Greek is primarily to indicate type of action, not always time of action, like in english
C. The way the present tense is often used is to indicate an action that is continual, or iterative/habitual, repetitive, and progressive.
D. That is why most translators translate the phrase “ the one who is born of God does not practice or continue in sin. It is talking about habitual sinning as a way of life
E. A believer sins,but his practice is righteousness, not sin. That is his life is not marked by continual, habitual sin, or if it is, he does not remain in that state. Eventually the grace of God pulls him out of the mud
A. 1 John 3:9 is not teaching sinless perfection. There is no one who never sins, except Jesus of course
B. The word “commit” in the phrase committeth sin is in the present tense in koine greek
C. The function of the verb in Greek is primarily to indicate type of action, not always time of action, like in english
C. The way the present tense is often used is to indicate an action that is continual, or iterative/habitual, repetitive, and progressive.
D. That is why most translators translate the phrase “ the one who is born of God does not practice or continue in sin. It is talking about habitual sinning as a way of life
E. A believer sins,but his practice is righteousness, not sin. That is his life is not marked by continual, habitual sin, or if it is, he does not remain in that state. Eventually the grace of God pulls him out of the mud
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