False.....WE do not maintain anything genius and I for one am sick of your devaluation of Jesus and his power....what you peddle is NOT OF GOD!
Love is the law.
God is Love.
If there are those type here, the enemies of truth, imagine what kind of life they have off their computer that they would endeavor to harass Christians in their own community.. And enjoy the reactions their behavior garners from those who follow the Prince of Peace.
There's an old saying, an old funny actually, that goes; pray for your enemies....it really p*szes them off.
Of course it would. Because those who are enemies of the cross, the truth, have no respect for either. Therefore, praying for them would make to them no difference. They'd hold contempt for that and even argue against it as well.
Rather than let someone yank our chain and enjoy the exercise, how about this: We only encounter such folks if they choose to join this forum. They're here, we can pay them attention, or we can ignore them.
But they, oh, they are another matter. Because no matter where they go, here or anywhere else, they will always have to live and be themselves. That which gazes at them in the mirror, and knows the motives that cause them to join forums where Christ is respected, and the word of God is bond.
Who really has it worse then? Us? Or them.
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