Also, 'ALL' false religions and cults (who teach salvation by works) strongly oppose OSAS, which has always been a red flag for me!
I'm surprised that you would call the church immediately following the Apostles cultists and false religionist.
They firmly resisted the Gnostic based teaching that you could not lose your salvation.
No church father believed it.
It wasn't until Luther and Calvin came along and seized the opportunity afforded by the Protestant revolt from the control of the Catholic Church that osas was accepted into the church.
I grew up in the Roman Catholic church and for years listened to Catholic priests constantly attack OSAS and make fun of Protestants and accuse them of lacking in knowledge, yet these Catholic priests were clueless to the fact they were promoting a false gospel of works salvation. So pardon me if I don't seriously consider any form of rebuke from someone in the NOSAS camp.
You're being immature.
You haven't learned that you don't instantly reject everything someone says just because they don't have everything right, or are hypocrites.
The Catholics aren't completely wrong about everything just because they aren't right about everything and are generally characterized as being hypocrites.
Mature people know this.
If I was NOSAS then you would most likely consider me to be a real brother.
...Only as long as you didn't abuse me, and took responsibility for your behavior when called out on it.
But like I said, I give you the benefit of the doubt and perceive you to have made a decision to follow Christ but have yet to have a spiritual 'knowing' relationship with him.
It amazes me to see over the years on various Christian forums how people in the NOSAS camp are quick to join hands and sing 'kumbaya' together in unity over NOSAS, even if certain members in the group that they are holding hands with attend a false religion or cult and teach a false gospel.
No, what you are seeing is we don't act like the osas crowd and tear down and denigrate those with whom we don't completely agree with. So far, I have only have the bad experience of this hateful, arrogant superiority of knowledge in church
with osas people.
Either we are born of BOTH water AND Spirit or else we are not. Believers do not merely have one or the other. Where do you come up with this stuff?
Good grief, dan, don't you read the Bible!
There is flesh giving birth to flesh, and there is Spirit giving birth to Spirit (Galatians 4:29, John 3:6).
Most in the church only have the birth by the flesh.
We know this by how they behave.
Those who only have an outward repentance toward God hate and persecute those who have that and the spiritual birth.
I used to consider you to be more patient and sincere, but now your angry, bitter true colors are really showing and it's disturbing! What happened to you?
You need to take a long hard look in the mirror.
I'm being careful to not sin in my anger.
You provoked me, and now I'm calling you out on it.
Remember, it's
slow to anger, dan. I have been very patient with this mob in this thread.
Now it's time to grow the babies up to maturity according to the meat of the Word.
Bad people most of the time? Hate and murder over doctrines? You are over the top!
It's like you don't even know the Bible!
I see this over and over and over again in your camp.
"2You desire but do not have, so you kill." - James 4:2
"15Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him." - 1 John 3:15
Not so over the top as you thought it was.
See, you have lots of knowledge about osas and how to make the Bible defend it. But you have no Biblical knowledge about what really matters. And it's because you think osas is the supreme knowledge of God and what makes you wise and mature and understanding. That's not even remotely true. Osas'ers are deceived. All you see is osas in the Bible at the expense of what really matters in the Bible.

Apparently to you the Christian life seems to be all about NOSAS and attacking people in the OSAS camp. Losing salvation is mainly all you talk about.
Actually, this is my favorite subject:
"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. " - Galatians 5:6
"what counts is the new creation." - Galatians 6:15
I attack osas because it is so antithetical to this supreme message of the Christian faith. So many think believing in osas is the epitome of what it means to believe in and live for God. They think what counts is faith expressing itself in a dogmatic doctrine of osas. That's not even remotely true. The person who believes that is deceived. They do not know as they ought to know. They do not know that being a Christian is all about how you act, not about the careful construct of doctrinal beliefs as if that's what constitutes the mature and grown up follower of Christ.