If folks just stuck with the scriptures and left off the snide comments and typical snark things might go better, but we arent to fellowship with believers who are railers and its better to disfellowship with them through ignore on a board like this where such things are let go.
There is no other option really
PPT, I get it, I really do, but I know you, for one,
are better than this...
and you yourself gave another option...
dis-fellowship (good word, lol) for a while,
ok, but that can be done with no ignore button.
It's something I expect from little sixth grade girls,
as they gossip and giggle about who
they 'have on ignore, tee-hee',
and again, there are some here that are
going to have that mindset,
but the way it gets tossed around so easily,
and used as a threat to a brother/sister in Christ,
is just so sophomoric.
We could/should pray for each other more,
and build each other up in the faith, as we see
the day aproaching, and the world gets more
wicked, and petty in the way they deal with each other.
Maybe we can try a little more love, that's all.
Father in heaven, thank you, Lord for salvation
in Jesus, and your gift of eternal life.
You said in your house are many mansions,
and we thank you, Lord, because the way we
get along sometimes, we're each gonna need
our own!
But, Lord, while we're here, we're sometimes
feeling in close quarters...
help us, Lord, be more
forgiving and understanding of each other, please.
Your word says they shall know us by the love
we have for one another, not for how we bite each
others heads off and stab each other in the back.
But we do need more of your grace, Lord.
Many of us are passionate about communicating
your truths, and we want to honor you.
Forgive us in our shortcomings, and help us
rise up and be the sons and daughters you
call us to be.
Forgive ME, Lord, I fail miserably every day,
please help me grow to be more like you, Jesus,
and thank you, Lord, for your patience and kindness,
and willingness to lead this often straying sheep.
Also, Lord, please bless my friend and sister PPT
in her musical endeavors. Thank you for her desire
to lift you up in song, and help encourage others
in the faith as she does so.
Bless and increase
her ministry,
and fill her with the joy of your love,
always, in Jesus' wonderful name. Amen.