I affirm Scriptures and believe what they say: God desires all men to come to a knowledge of the truth and be saved. He stands at the door and knocks. That He does not force people to accept Him does not make Him the loser and liar you have made Him out to be.
Unfortunately, you come across as someone who refuses to take responsibility for what you say, and then attempt to project your errors and refusal onto others. Your problem is called dishonesty, and also denial. It showcases a poor understanding of Scripture, leading to erroneous theology. Maybe you would also like to tell me that as He was dying, Jesus did not ask for forgiveness for all who put Him on the cross, or that He was only desirous of those believers who put Him there to be forgiven for crucifying Him. It would fit in well with the rest of what you have presented to me 
<~ first time using that emoji
We are discussing Arminianism and Calvinism, every respected Bible Theologian and Scholar agree that Calvin did interpret the Gospel correctly. The debate has been raging for 500 years and more and more people are joining us Calvinists, because we are the most Biblically correct people.
There are millions of us but the majority of professing Christians are Arminian, the Roman Catholic Church is Arminian. Jesus warned us that the vast majority would be deceived and the true believers would be small in number. This gives us much comfort, knowing that we are the true remnant Church.
My church is not looking to fill the pews with "worshipers" we are only seeking the elect of God, we are not interested in offering the Gospel to everyone. We are only seeking believers to join us, we are not trying to convert or win anyone over to Christ. We believe all of Gods elect will seek out faithful Churches and join them. We make it hard to join our Church, it's only for the elect.
There's only one proper way to interpret the Bible and only those who God has elected will understand it, the rest are sealed for destruction and they abide in lies and deception. over 90% of professing Christians have been deceived by the doctrine of Demons, are you travelling on the narrow path or the broad road????