Ok, i'll explain it.[...]
2 Thessalonians 1:6-8
since indeed God considers it just to repay with affliction those who afflict you, and to grant relief to you who are afflicted as well as to us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.
The text states, "rest/repose with us
IN THE REVELATION OF the Lord Jesus from Heaven with His MIGHTY angels IN FLAMING FIRE INFLICTING VENGEANCE ON those that..."
Here we have Jesus returning, His own getting rest and the wicked getting vengeance, and notice this is definately the second coming as it says He returns in flaming fire taking vengeance,
The "INFLICTING VENGEANCE ON those that" speaks of a SPANS OF TIME (not merely the "singular 24-hr day" kind of day, at His Second Coming
to the earth point in time, Rev19)... and we know this for SEVERAL reasons (the least of which is spelled out here... but I will add another small point at the bottom of this post also):
AVENGE in quickness [noun]" (Lk18:8)
= the Rev1:1 "things which must come to pass
IN QUICKNESS [noun]" that
this verse tells will be "SHOW[n]" ("TO
SHOW UNTO" 1:1) which is the "FUTURE" aspects of the Book, per
Rev1:19c / 4:1 ["SHOW"] / 1:1 [7:3]; NOT things which would unfold over some near-2000 years (as the "Historicists" suggest);
--"shall CRUSH Satan
UNDER *your* feet
IN QUICKNESS [noun]" (corresponding with what is stated in 1Cor6:3[14] ["that WE SHALL
JUDGE ANGELS"], and why we see the "24 elders" SITTING ON
THRONES b/f Jesus will "
STAND to JUDGE" [Isa3:13] by His opening the FIRST SEAL at the START of the
"IN QUICKNESS [noun]" time period,
aka the "7-yr" period commonly called the Tribulation Period);
Rom16:20's time-frame has NOT YET TAKEN PLACE, but WILL (we must CHANGE LOCATIONS first!

this can also be proven by showing that Jesus destroys the man of sin at His coming, proving the coming is post-tribulational:
MANIFESTATION of His presence/
parousia" 2Th2:8b (when "EVERY EYE" shall SEE Him) is not the same thing as when "OUR
episynagoges UNTO HIM" (2:1) occurs (which involves ONLY US,
and NO ONE ELSE!) Paul is
DISTINGUISHING these points.
[to that other point]
Besides everything I've written in past posts (other threads) about the
2Th1:7-10 passage (re: the "[rest with us]
IN THE REVELATION OF" time-period / spans-of-time), where the "INFLICTING VENGEANCE ON" unfolds over the course of SOME TIME (to the SAME ppl [in SAME time-period] that
2Th2:10-12 ALSO speaks of, when it says, "God shall SEND TO THEM great delusion SO THAT they should BELIEVE THE LIE / the FALSE / the
PSEUDEI" (these are ppl who refused to believe the truth); but Paul is showing a CONTRAST between these ppl (who will "BELIEVE" the LIE / the FALSE) and OTHER ppl DURING THE SAME [future] TIME-PERIOD who will come to believe THE TRUTH--"in ALL THOSE HAVING BELIEVED [not speaking of the Thessalonians' own belief, here!] because was believed 'the testimony-of-us-to-you' IN
THAT DAY"... Again, wherever (in Scripture) the phrases "IN THAT DAY" and "the Day of the Lord" are used in close proximity / same contexts (as they are HERE in THESE TWO CHPTS), they are speaking of the SAME TIME-PERIOD.
So where it says, in v.10 "when He shall come
TO BE GLORIFIED *in His saints* and
TO BE MARVELED AT [/regarded with wonder / wondered at] in all those having believed because the testimony-of-us-to-you WAS BELIEVED *IN THAT DAY*" [not in the Thessalonians' day--this isn't speaking of the Thessalonians' own "belief"! But FUTURE PPL, "IN THAT DAY" (IN "the DOTL" time period, the TRIB aspect OF it!)], the part about the "TO BE MARVELED AT [/regarded with wonder / wondered at]" corresponds to the following passage:
King James Bible
Hear now, O
Joshua the high priest,
thou, and thy fellows that sit before thee:
for they are men wondered at: for, behold, I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH.
A Faithful Version
Hear now, O
Joshua the high priest,
you and your fellows who sit before you;
for they are men wondered at, for behold, I will bring forth My Servant the Branch!
Webster's Bible Translation
Hear now, O
Joshua the high priest,
thou and thy fellows that sit before thee:
for they are men wondered at: for behold, I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH.
[see Rev4:4, 5:9 "sitting" etc]