You said you are a sinner and you do sinful things and yet also believe you can do God's work, too. You said, I quote,
"I LOVE THE LORD IMMENSELY!!!! . . . but I am a sinner.
I get mad when people flagrantly cut me off, I appreciate a woman's femininity, I would kill in order to protect innocence, and there are a multitude of other sins for which I have been, am now, and will be guilty of in the future. I love God, worship Him, honor Him, glorify Him, serve Him, repent to Him, attempt to emulate Him, have faith in ONLY HIM. Sin does not have dominion over me but I am a sinner nonetheless. But I am a loved and forgiven sinner at that!""
How can you hold anyone to any moral standard of goodness if you do not even uphold such a standard of goodness or morality yourself? You also said that sin shall not have dominion over you, yet you then contradict yourself and say you are a sinner. Now, lets understand something here. When a person does not have sin having dominion over them, that means they have stopped sinning (Because it does not control or have dominion over them anymore).