I want to be respectful and explain something you may not have considered.
Biblical Christian theology doctrines come solely from the word of God.
All those I am a Christian and an American, other theologies are held to the same relevance as the word of God, and it is an error and will always be error and prideful.
They can be edifying, but many times those who are zealous about the history when it is under attack try to over help out the narrative with false statements because they thought most would not validate the assertion.
This is no different than Pentecostals, which I am, who think they have to help the Holy Spirit do His Job and create a false move of God. God doesn't do false or lies.
Although Barton is a likable guy and has said many good true things, he has embellished the history to make American history more godly. That is wrong. It is wrong when the school system does it, and it is wrong when the church does it.
Here are some theologies many Christian embraces out of emotion and what they believe is true and are not the full truth.
Remember 99% doctrinal truth and 1% arsenic can kill you. Here are some bad ones you ready?
- American theology
- black liberation theology
- liberal Christian theology
- critical race theology
- postmodern theology
All of these have taken past history and applied based on half-truth, which is a lie.
Jesus Is the only truth, way, and life.
Your American, European, African, race & ethnicity DID NOT SAVE YOU NOR DOES IT GIVE YOU Preference with the Living God.
IF your " Christian theology"
was not built on the foundational truth of Christ ONLY and His Word, it is
Your whiteness or blackness or education, or location will not save you
OR YOUR NATIONS PERCEIVED RIGHITUOSNESS. There is no collective salvation Jesus cam to call all individually to the foot of the Cross, there you and I must go and if alone we must go.
And until you position yourself AT the foot of the cross of Christ and surrender to HIM. CAN I GET AN AMEN and I did not mean to PREACH but amen! cs1