The written code kills........not always. But it does without the Holy Spirit.
I avoid a lot of cutting and pasting because when I post I am posting from decades of meditation and prayer with rerading and learning the little I have gleaned from it. It is enough to have given me tolerance of just texts being repeated to me without a demonstration of true understanding.
I have never suggested anyone go to the law in lieu of Jesus christ for his or her salvation, but the word, obedience always conjurs up that accusation, and to accuse someone recommending and teaching obedience as par of the conduct of the saved of being a "jkudaizer" is a stretch.........a big stretch. It could even be said to be a lie, depending upon who is leveling such a charge.
I love all family members who love Jesus christ as their Savior. How they believe is not for me to judg, nor would I, but when brethren share how each believes, others should exercise the longsuffering and patience of the Holy Spirit when exchanging commentary.
Am I judaizing when I encourage all to be obedient as according to the example and teaching of Jesus Christ.?
Am I judaized because I really love to say His Hebrew name, Yeshua?
Am I judaized because I know that when God said I Am that theoriginal word was Yahweh, only in Hebrew letter?
Am i judaized because I know Jesus Christ is teh Bread from Heaven and I give credit that His birthplace is aprophecy fulfilled of this fact, Bethlehem which means house of bread?
It seems that all who delve into the Word in faith and go a little beyond just parroting what the tradiions of man being taught as commanment from God are it is too much for the psyches of many, but never for childre, not God' childre.
As I just mentione I have done nothing, do nothing, nor will ever be able to do anything to help in one iota my salvation, but my love and gratitude to the One Who save us all inspires me to ook to Him as my example of obedience and to encouraqge all to be childre of obedience as is taught inthe Word....