Jesus NEVER said to believe only to be saved. If He did then He contradicted Himself.
Believe only in Christ for salvation (not believe only in the sense that we never repented) which we won't do unless we first repent. No contradiction at all. Just you continuing to misunderstand.
Jn 3:16------believeth>>>>>>>>>>not perish/saved
Lk 13:3,5---repent>>>>>>>>>>>>not perish/saved
Why do you continue to reverse the scriptural order of repent and believe? Mere "mental assent" belief followed by self moral reformation does not equate to repent and believe the gospel.
Matthew 21:32 - For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you
did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not
repent and believe him.
Mark 1:15 -
Repent and believe the gospel.
Acts 20:21 - testifying both to Jews and to Greeks of
repentance toward God and of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus made repentance of equal importance and necessity to not perishing (saved) as He did belief. This means all the belief only in the world will never save an impenitent person.
Belief only in that sense is not saving belief in Christ. The demons "believe" that "there is one God" but they don't repent and believe the gospel. By the time that you reverse the scriptural order of repent and believe to be saved, you have the belief of demons joined to self moral reformation, which is not what it means to repent and believe the gospel in order to be saved.
Jesus also made confession and baptism of the same equal importance and necessity of belief and Jesus never contradicted Himself by saying belief only saves.
Jesus did not say what you are saying. Jesus did not give us a 4 step check list in John 3:15,16,18; 5:24; 6:29,40,47; 11:25,26. Those who believe have already repented and belief and confession are not two separate steps to salvation but are chronologically together (Romans 10:8-10). Water baptism FOLLOWS repent and believe the gospel/believes unto righteousness/confession made unto salvation (Acts 10:43-47).
You posted yourself (my emp) "If we don't repent "change our mind" and BELIEVE then we won't be saved." You killed the man-made belief only theology yourself. Or will you backtrack and claim belief only really saves repentance is not necessary?
I NEVER said that repentance is not necessary for salvation BUT I don't place repent after believe in Christ for salvation. We are not saved by belief only in the sense that you are talking about, believe but never repented, which is an oxymoron. We believe only in Christ for salvation. We believe/trust in CHRIST ALONE for salvation. If we believe/trust in works to save us, then we never repented and we don't believe the gospel.
Rom 10:10 ...confession is made unto salvation..confession id not made because one is already saved.
Believes unto righteousness/confession is made unto salvation - chronologically together (Romans 10:8-10) and this is
BEFORE water baptism, even in your 4 step check list.
BY trying to get one saved by belief only with no confession does not save (Jn 12:42),
The word of faith is in our mouth AND in our heart and not just one or the other. Not in our heart only, so it's not belief only in that sense. I already explained John 12:42. According to your interpretation of John 12:42, Peter denied Christ three times so he will be denied by the Father. So then Peter is not in heaven?
it is trying to get one saved that denies Jesus is the son of God and denies the facts of the gospel/death burial resurrection of Christ.
For those who truly believe and are saved, they repented and the word of faith is in their mouth and in their heart - TOGETHER and they do not deny the facts of the gospel. You make this soooo complicated.
In Mt 10:32.33 Jesus said "whosoever confesseth me" and "whosoever shall deny Me" The word whosoever refers to anyone and everyone not just those who were already His disciples.
Who confesses Jesus? - BELIEVERS. Who denies Jesus? - UNBELIEVERS. That is the whole point of what is said in Matthew 10:32-33. Also, the word for "deny" is an aorist tense. This points to the fact that Jesus is not talking about a single instance of denial (as was the case with Peter, who actually denied Him three times - Luke 22:34), but is referring to life in its entirety. You continue to overlook this.
Christ most certainly did "patch together" belief, repentance, confession and baptism, patch them all together on how one is to be saved.
Jesus said;
belief saves, Jn 8:24
repentance saves, Lk 13:3,5
confession saves, Mt 10:32,33
baptism saves Mk 16:16
No, Jesus did not "patch together" these 4 steps in that order with the same meaning and interpretation that you give them. Your 4 step plan of salvation is the result of bad semantics and flawed hermeneutics.
Jesus made each and every one of equal imprtance and necessity to salvation and he put all of them BEFORE salvation not after.
No He did not. Those who confess Christ throughout their lifetime are already saved. Those who deny Christ throughout their lifetime are lost. There is a difference between believes unto righteousness/confession made unto salvation upon conversion and confessing Christ throughout our lifetime because we are already saved. Those who believe and are saved have already repented and have already received remission of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit BEFORE water baptism (Acts 10:43-47; 11:17,18). You just can't accept that Christ is the all sufficient means of our salvation so you add supplements to the gospel in order to make salvation based on your works. You want credit for salvation.
The man-made teaching of faith only must therefore rip these words of Jesus apart creating a whole host of contradictions in trying to find a way to save the impenitent, the denier of Christ and those in their unremitted sins.
Again, keep in mind that "faith only" - per James - that you continue to allude to is not genuine faith, but an empty profession of faith, a dead faith and is not what I'm teaching saves. Those who believe and are saved have already repented. The word of faith is in our mouth and in our heart together, so it's not one or the other. Those who believe and are saved afterwards get water baptized. Your "add 3 additional steps to becoming saved after one believes" plan of salvation rips the words of Jesus apart in John 3:15,16,18; 5:24; 6;29,40,47; 11:25,26. A saved believer is not an impenitent, denier of Christ. You still just DON'T GET IT.
The devils believe but is is just a mental assent of the mind for their belief does not contain the necessary works in repenting of sins. confessing Christ and submitting to baptism for remission of sins.
The devils believe "mental assent" that there is "one God" but they
do not believe/entrust their spiritual well being to Christ; have faith/reliance upon Christ for salvation which demonstrates that they never repented and the word of faith is not in their mouth or in there heart. Of course they won't submit to baptism because they reject Christ as their Savior. Baptism is in regards to the remission of sins received upon repentance/belief (Acts 3:19; 10:43). Faith is implied in genuine repentance, two sides to the same coin.
A belief that supposedly has "trust and reliance" in Christ but does NOT DO what Christ said (Lk 6:46) is also nothing more than a mental assent of the mind, it is a vain belief (Mt 15:8,9)
Saving belief, which is "trust and reliance" (belief, trust, reliance) in Christ for salvation that refuses to ever do what Christ said is an OXYMORON. Man is saved through faith and not by works (Ephesians 2:8,9; Titus 3:5; 2 Timothy 1:9); yet genuine faith is evidenced/substantiated/confirmed by good works (James 2:14-24). You have a terrible time understanding this balance. Those who trust in works for salvation and not in Christ alone still need to repent and believe the gospel.