For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, andfor the fact I would not want anyone to misunderstand my position(due to onlypreviously discussing what isand what is not salvific belief unto eternal life
God said to Moses:
See, Iam sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you tothe place I have prepared. [SUP]21 [/SUP]Pay attentionto him and listen to what he says. Do not rebel against him; he will notforgive your rebellion, since my Name is in him. [SUP]22 [/SUP]If you listencarefully to what he says and do all that I say,(important to note) I willbe an enemy to your enemies and will oppose those who oppose you. [SUP]23 [/SUP]My angel will go ahead of you and bring you into theland of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Canaanites, Hivites and Jebusites,and I will wipe them out. Ex23:20-23)
Mosesand Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and the seventy elders of Israel went up [SUP]10 [/SUP]and saw the God of Israel. Under his feet wassomething like a pavement made of lapis lazuli, as bright blue as the sky. [SUP]11 [/SUP]But God did not raise his hand against these leadersof the Israelites; they saw God, and they ate and drank(9-11)
The 74leaders cannot have seen the Father/the one true God, for he has never beenseen(1John4:12&John6:46) They saw Christ. We know Christ accompanied themin the dessert(1Cor10:4) He was the God they knew if you like on the ground, whilethe one true God remained in Heaven, and the Father told Moses, HIS NAME was inthe angel who would accompany them./ A sign of what was to come. If you listen to what he says, and do allthat I say, etc.
HenceDavid, speaking under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit said:
TheLord said to MY LORD sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstoolfor your feet(Psalm110:1)
AndElizabeth’s words
Why amI so favoured that the mother of MY LORD should come to visit me
Andhence Thomas, who was an Israelite words
‘MyLord and my God John20:28
Christdid not correct Thomas for saying that, but only three chapters earlier hademphasised the truth, only the Father was the one TRUE God.
Themystery of Father Son and Spirit can be great, as one Trinitaran minister saidto me on another website. ‘Anyone who professes to fully understand the workingout of Father, Son and Holy Spirit(Trinity) shows how little they know of thesubject’
The fullnessof the Godhead bodily dwells in Christ, he is a true reflection of who theFather is, He is the express image of his being. There is no way to the Fatherbut by the Son, and the Son reigns now in Heaven and on earth for the Fatherhas put everything under his feet. Christ is completely Holy, he is above theangels, only the Father is greater than He, no one else comes close, or can do.But you cannot rationalise the spiritual according to the academic mind ofman/what seems logical to him, the conclusions he then draws
When you ask many Trinitarians WHY Christcould speak the word of God on this earth, they normally reply
BecauseChrist is God, they don’t normally give the response John did:
Theone whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for the Spirit is on him without limit John3:34
It seemsto me that for many Equal Trinitarians on these websites, it is not such anequal Trinity at all.
As Ihave repeatedly stated, the difference here is not as to the nature of Christbut his title and whether the Father is greater than he, that’s it. Well ifanyone on this website does not understand the name that we must believe Christto be unto salvation, you need to go to your ministers and ask to join a basicbible study course
Ifanyone acknowledges that Jesus is theSon of God, God lives in them and they in God 1John4:15
Iwrite these things to you who believe inthe name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life1John 5:13
Onceagain, it ain’t a theological exercise of the little grey cells, where you allcome out with some formula and demand it is followed. The Holy Spirit convictsof who a person must believe Christ to be unto salvation, he puts that in yourheart at conversion. And people, he won’t contradict the words of Christ whenhe walked this earth as to the requirement of belief needed unto salvation. Whydo I believe in the virgin birth? Because it makes sense to me? It doesn’t, butI know its true, because the Holy Spirit lives in me, and I could go to a wholelist of things and stress the same but I won’t.
Nowwhere I vehemently disagree with Rick(on what has not been discussed and itgoes to the heart of all of this) I do not believe those bishops/priests at thecouncil of Nicea knew more truth than did the leaders of the early church, IEPeter, James, John and Paul, to me that is a non starter. Carry that thinkingthrough, and you who have read much of theologians and scholars must believeyou know more spiritual truth than did Paul, Peter, James and John, well I willnever claim that, even if some of you want to. And so, the extra biblicaldemands for salvation became official church policy. Well I may be a dinasour,but I am so grateful I am, scripture will always be my bottom line, and the plaincommands/words of it, not the wisdom ofman that has somewhat overturned its basic requirements. You are right Rick,one day we will know, for now we see only in part, then we will know fully evenas we are fully known. But if only you could ask yourself WHY the scripturalrequirement is only to believe in the name Son of God where Christ isconcerned, and not God Himself, but I know you can’t It’s a shame really, yourfirst comment when you joined this debate was spot on, if only you had of leftit there.
Yousee, I am in the majority of required belief unto salvation in Christendom, butaccept I may not be on the internet, for though the minister do I am surebelieve Christ is God Himself in Trinitarian churches, in line with what isactually stated in the Bible nearly all of them DO NOT preach that as necessarysalvific belief unto salvation, that is the difference between them and a fewof you on these websites. And for people who are not blind fanatics, you needto ask yourselves, who is right, a few on here who make extra biblical demandsunto salvation, or nearly all the ministers in the Trinitarian churches? For bothsets of people cannot be right
Elin,if I post one more comment on this thread, please rebuke me, I want you to, I havesaid all I have to say, and all the people who want to argue this with me are now on ignore