Hope y'all had an awesome day! I went to church this morning, and went out to lunch with a friend. I came home and had a nap, and now I sit here pigging out on my fave food in the world, pizza!
I have a friend named Becca who is my age and has a 25 yr old daughter. Both Becca and her daughter were into heavy drugs like shooting up whatever it is they shoot up, etc.

Her 25 yr old daughter had 2 little girls, one is 5 and the baby was taken away by children's aid because of the unfit mother thing. Now Becca tells me that she is scared and worried everyday that her daughter is gonna OD and die. Becca told me that she no longer 'shoots up', but I still think she does, and know that she drinks booze pretty much daily, even while watching the little 5 year old who just started school this year. Anyhow, I got this message on facebook from her yesterday which was very strange. I know that I am a new Christian, but I do know the REAL WAY to Heaven. Here is the convo ... I don't really get it?
Her:my friend gave me a childs from elim penticostle. and jesus is very angry thru the whole thing...this bible is scary. all about the frickin appocolipse. give me one good reason to surrender to this church? i am not being cocky just inquiring...remember we are friends always....
a child bible
ME: did u read about Heaven and hell?
It's so scary man
I don't want to go to hell ... I watched so many video's from ppl who don't know each other from all over the world .. who died and then came back to life. They ALL describe Heaven and Hell basically the same ... not kidding. They say that hell there are people who know each other tormenting each other seriously. Hell is a bottomless pit of continuous flames ... all they could hear are people screaming and begging to get outta the fire but it's too late ... thats the life that they chose. The ppl in the video's describe the rotten smell of burning flesh all the time ... it's crazy
god is kind and forgiving not vengeful ..
i would never let emma see that
ME: they say that Jesus tells them that it's too late ... you guys shunned me when I was on earth ... and now that you are here, it's too late. You did not follow me or accept me and lived for me, so buh bye
yes God is forgiving and kind and caring ... but one cannot get to Heaven just by thinking that ... you have to repent of your sins and follow Him, and then only will your name be written in the book of life ... I don't wanna go to hell, therefore I am straightening up ... it's ones own choice whether or not they want to believe ... but my brother in laws dad was a minister since I was really young, and my brother in law still does some ministering at the church today ... and stories don't change ... it's the truth in my own eyes, and I have been told about all of this stuff from a very young age.
i always felt close to a good god. not the devil in these pics
Me: I never really learned about the apocalypse, they call it doomsday?
Her: I love the jesus i was raised to know and he is a happy one....i love you heather
I love u back xo come to church sunday!
her: your church is too violent....hahaha
(She said this cuz she supposed read something from the Library from the church I attend which is Elim Pentecostal)
noooooo its not
Her: look at this bible then
me: i don't get what u saw
Her: it freaked me out
i saw a very angry jesus
Me: go talk to pastor Benny, he's AWESOME
Her: never
Me: Becca you're freaking out
Her: I love you heather but i love my jesus more he calms me
me: ummmmm .. not sure what u read?
Her: its aweful, jesus is really mad in the illustrations
what is it called?
what is the book called
Her: " THE ACTION BIBLE" all capped
you gotta see this
we will always be friends but i keep my relationship with god due to different opinions
i meant private
my relationship with god private, i meant to say
i hope we r ok.
So there is basically our convo. I wonder why she is so spooked? Maybe she was reading about the end times?? Hmmmmmmm ..... maybe she was drunk when she wrote this? I dunno.