Just thinking about this coming Friday being Good Friday and how I used to feel about God giving up His only son. For a long time I wondered why it was such a big deal that He allowed His son to die when He would live again in a few days. Then I asked a JW, of all people, and he reminded me of the fact that Jesus wasn't just hung on the cross and that He was to be King of God's kingdom. As I thought about it and think about it now I marvel at God's immense ability to forgive and show mercy. His Son was not only spit upon, whipped, and beaten, but humiliated with a crown of thorns and stripped naked, or near naked, to be hung on the cross. What love God and His son had to have for us, and still does, that all we have to do is believe in Him and His Son, have the desire not to do wrong and profess our belief, to be able to be forgiven and live with them forever. Hallelujah!!! God is so worthy of our praise.