A thorn prick brought forth a drop of blood. Who could have known that this seemingly insignificant act would give birth to a crimson river that would run so deep that its cleansing power would be more than sufficient to save every soul ever born? From first to last, throughout the ages, from this day until the end of time, still, yet, this wasn’t the most miraculous part of the story. The most miraculous fact is that from that day until this, and for all the days yet to be, that crimson river has not decreased it’s depth by one single drop.
The resurrection surely deserves joyous proclamation but let us not forget that had it not been for the sacrifice, there would be no salvation. The resurrection was His victory over death, thus proclaiming that we too could have eternal life. Yet, it was the prick of the thorn upon His brow, the wounds He suffered to His hands, His side and His feet, and the death He willingly chose that paid the price for our sins and allowed us to become worthy to be called the children of God. Were it not for the sacrifice, the resurrection could not have come to pass. Jesus said it Himself: “Greater love hath no man than that He would give his life for His brother.” And that is just what He did!
So, sing joyously of the resurrection and it’s promise of eternal life, but never, never forget the prick of the thorn. For it was on Calvary’s cross where our Lord, the Son of Man, paid the price!