Went to a yard sale up the street from me, and spent .50 cents on a small stuffed orange kitty and a cat puzzle that says "Believe in yourself!" on it.

And I even found a lucky penny on the ground there.
I found out yesterday how my upstairs neighbor Aldo died. I talked to his sister yesterday and she said he wasn't taking his diabetes meds like he was supposed to, and apparently his TV fell off the TV stand, and he went to pick it up, somehow hit or tripped on the stand, fell and hit his head.

He was a major hoarder and they threw out all his stuff, TWO DUMPSTERS FULL, plus stuff on top of, in front of, and beside of the dumpster. They aren't having a funeral for him, but the family is going to get together and talk about Aldo and have food and stuff. His sister is going to let me know when it is, because she invited me and Denise to come. I'm gonna miss Aldo, he was such a nice person.
Denise (my neighbor across the hall) has been so rude and inappropriate to the family since Aldo died. Aldo was buying some knives from her, and for some reason she let him take them before they were fully paid for. Anyhoo, after she found out he died, she immediately said "that's $45 I'll never get from him". She said that to me, not the family. What she said to the family was even worse, IMO. She had the chutzpah to ask them to give her the knives back if they found them. Even after I told her not to bother them with such a petty thing, she still went upstairs and asked them anyway. Then all week she beached and complained about losing her knives, and how Aldo's family lied to her when they said they would look for the knives.
I told her that it's not THEIR responsibility to look for and return her stuff, and that their minds are on much more important things right now. Denise is very greedy and selfish when it comes to money. I never realized how truly selfish she is, until this happened. What she did was rude, tacky, selfish, inappropriate and greedy. And I feel like smacking the stupid out of her..lol.. I am shocked and appalled by her behavior regarding her knives. I was hoping she wouldn't get any of them back, but she did retrieve one from the dumpster. YES, she went dumpster diving to look for them. :/
Anyhoo, I can only hope that when Aldo fell, it killed him instantly. I'd hate to think he laid there and suffered. They had to air out his apartment, because he was up there dead for 2 days before the cops got called to do a welfare check, and found him.. Please pray for his family, especially his sister. They're having a rough time dealing with how he died.