The first post in SYM of the new year of 2017 was made by wwjd_kilden...
She deleted her account some time ago...
I cannot say much more than that, partially because *gossip* 
Multilingual Messenger, Tommy, Socreta93, and Amazing Grace were posting at the end of '16 into '17 along with Blue Lady Bug and Decon... BLB has sojourned to twitter but keeps us updated on her progress there, and Decon, the OP of the longest running thread (Not By Works) with the most posts ever (approaching 150,000 posts, currently with 149,954 posts on page 7,498) was banned a while back... Tommy has disappeared, Socreta sill posts, and AG is now a guest, also. Dan 473 was around then, too, and I think see him occasionally in the BDF? There were others present who are now guests, also, including jennymae, who may be back with a similar user name, though I am not absolutely certain of that, so please don't quote me on it LOL. Demi777 is still around also, though seemingly not as active.
Apparently around the first few days of 2017, it snowed here quite a bit, whereas this winter, we have had none at sea level this side of the mountains, though a bit of frost, and lots of fresh snow on the mountain tops, which look very pretty in early morning pink light. I posted this around that time... you may find it funny
We have some pretty steep streets coming straight up from the ocean... and in winter some of them get barricaded because they are just too dangerously slippery to try going up or down... but I have seen people decide to navigate a hill where two cars are already in a smash up at the bottom... and sure enough, the third car fails to navigate the slippery street properly and simply smashes into the two cars that are already smashed up... it is one of those moments where one really shakes their head LOL
Laura Charlotte was also posting in SYM in early 2017... not sure where she has gone
LaurenTM was also here, then, and is now a guest, though may or may not have repeatedly created new profiles, had them deleted eventually, only to join again under a new user name... like maybe six times LOL. EarnestQ has also gone awol
Kodiak! Oh, yes, awww, last posted just over a year ago...
Granndpa visits from time to time. He had this to say early 2017:
He also said, "I just pop in every thousand pages or so... lol"
Blain also pops in from time to time, and is a fairly active member still. He can always use your prayers.
JustWhoIAm and WineRose were also present... though I have no idea where they are now
And there were others, too, during that first week of 2017; some are now guests, and some just not been active for so long or I have little recollection of who they were or are...
If anyone would like to pick up where I left off? You will have to go back to page 3090 of this thread 
The first post in SYM of the new year of 2017 was made by wwjd_kilden...
She deleted her account some time ago...
I cannot say much more than that, partially because *gossip* 
Multilingual Messenger, Tommy, Socreta93, and Amazing Grace were posting at the end of '16 into '17 along with Blue Lady Bug and Decon... BLB has sojourned to twitter but keeps us updated on her progress there, and Decon, the OP of the longest running thread (Not By Works) with the most posts ever (approaching 150,000 posts, currently with 149,954 posts on page 7,498) was banned a while back... Tommy has disappeared, Socreta sill posts, and AG is now a guest, also. Dan 473 was around then, too, and I think see him occasionally in the BDF? There were others present who are now guests, also, including jennymae, who may be back with a similar user name, though I am not absolutely certain of that, so please don't quote me on it LOL. Demi777 is still around also, though seemingly not as active.
Apparently around the first few days of 2017, it snowed here quite a bit, whereas this winter, we have had none at sea level this side of the mountains, though a bit of frost, and lots of fresh snow on the mountain tops, which look very pretty in early morning pink light. I posted this around that time... you may find it funny
We have some pretty steep streets coming straight up from the ocean... and in winter some of them get barricaded because they are just too dangerously slippery to try going up or down... but I have seen people decide to navigate a hill where two cars are already in a smash up at the bottom... and sure enough, the third car fails to navigate the slippery street properly and simply smashes into the two cars that are already smashed up... it is one of those moments where one really shakes their head LOL
Laura Charlotte was also posting in SYM in early 2017... not sure where she has gone
LaurenTM was also here, then, and is now a guest, though may or may not have repeatedly created new profiles, had them deleted eventually, only to join again under a new user name... like maybe six times LOL. EarnestQ has also gone awol
Kodiak! Oh, yes, awww, last posted just over a year ago...
Granndpa visits from time to time. He had this to say early 2017:
He also said, "I just pop in every thousand pages or so... lol"
Blain also pops in from time to time, and is a fairly active member still. He can always use your prayers.
JustWhoIAm and WineRose were also present... though I have no idea where they are now
And there were others, too, during that first week of 2017; some are now guests, and some just not been active for so long or I have little recollection of who they were or are...
If anyone would like to pick up where I left off? You will have to go back to page 3090 of this thread 
Thank you.
I interacted with some, knew of the others and heard of all that you mentioned.
I appreciate you taking the time to write that out, Maggie. 🙂
(Apparently I appreciated it so much it quoted your note twice?) 😀