Yes that's it . The idea is that an emphasis is placed in being ' baptised by the Holy Ghost ' a separate and distinct experience from conversion. This is ' evidenced ' by speaking in tongues . its usually sold with the idea that this is the 'power 'for ministry and service . You can run on 3 cylinders but to really really be on fire 🔥 you need all 4 cylinders.
I was wondering if you were to say of something else.
As a younger believer I was really scared to death of losing salvation for a good while.
So in order to not drive myself to suicide, whenever I felt afraid and hopeless I reminded myself of Scriptures that Christ will complete His work in me and that I must put my faith into His promises and that He never fails (good thing to do), and also assured myself constantly "see when you believed Jesus your life changed dramatically, you quit some things that weren't possible to quit or stop before, so even though you're not perfect yet that's proof you got saved" (bad to do because still I was not purely relying on God, not walking by faith but trying to walk by sight). I did outgrow this since I grew in faith and know God enough to trust Him.
I thought
that might have been what they taught as "initial evidence"... and I'm sure that some churches teach this even if I might not know the term... there's a theological term for everything under the sun.
I like how you see through these denominations, no matter how we call this, there is a common thread there.
I think that thread is man trying to control salvation, proclaim "rules" and seize control over who gets saved and who doesn't.
Instead of actually surrendering to God's leadership.