Do no work that you can the other six days unless you are in a profession that must have workers 24/7 like fire, police, and all medical. If you work, it is to do good for someone or something in a predictament. Do not buy or sell. Do not cause someone else to serve you. PERIOD.
Now that you are freed from the daily grind, you can spend the day with other believers, with family and children, visiting the nursing home, or elderly family, taking nature walks, read a good book, read the Bible, midrash with other believers, eat what was prepared before Friday sundown. Planning ahead for this wonderful day just makes it all the more relaxing and enjoyable. It's hard to have a relationship when you are wrapped up tighter than rubber band ball.
Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."