Hi Johnny: I am glad that you made that point. I have probably thought at least one hundred times about that scripture in regards to the fact that it appears that most of the bible teachers who seem to be solid in the Lord are in truth deceived about the return of Christ, believing a fable rather then the words of Christ. I can absolutely prove, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the pre-trib rapture teaching is false, on the other hand, I cannot prove that Adrian Rogers, David Jeremiah, and Charles Stanly, are truly godly men, though everything I know about these men(except their pre-trib teaching) tells me they are men of God. It is somewhat like the unstoppable force going against the unmovable object...what is the answer. How could 95%(guess) of born again bible teachers who seem to really walk with God believe and teach something that is in direct contradiction of what Jesus Christ Himself taught? My point is that we are living in very scary times when Satan has deceived most reputable bible teachers. Another point, ANYONE can find proof in the bible that the pre-trib rapture is false if they have the nerve and the integrity to really look.