My friend it is far more than a matter of "what verse". You have to look at the flow the structure the context of the passage. You need to study the original Greek. And then you need to concatenate these passages with the whole counsel of God.
Nevertheless it is true that 2 Thes 2:3 "the departure" G646 (apostasia) has you covered in this case.
The departure/rapture comes first THEN He who restrains is taken out of the way THEN the man of sin is revealed. Which is the first birth pang. Which is also the first seal being opened. Which is the sign that the DOTL has indeed begun.
Nevertheless it is true that 2 Thes 2:3 "the departure" G646 (apostasia) has you covered in this case.
The departure/rapture comes first THEN He who restrains is taken out of the way THEN the man of sin is revealed. Which is the first birth pang. Which is also the first seal being opened. Which is the sign that the DOTL has indeed begun.
Rebellion and a man of sin reveal than rapture
So post trib
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