ohhh yea i feel you, completely i have been on here for over a years, my first account i deleted in order to change my name from Jason to follow jesus. ive been in the circle with a few in particular and have also blocked a couple, but recently i unblocked the 2 or three i had to block for the same reasons yu are stating. i realized that even though theres the same grouop of folks who never change, its also a great site to meet folks who impart christian things, things of the word like you do so often, and ive always believes that one person cant really grasp all of it by Gods design, because we are meant to come together to a fuller Knowledge and dis=fferent perspectives of the same things help alot to widen the understanding, or confirm and encourage.
i miss a few members that left because of the constant attacks by the gog crowd especially. pl=ilgrim passing through was my favorite she always had good insight and always had in context scripture, always had a common understanding but i learned much and was able to also share much with her. i emailed with her after she left but got locked our of my email it got spammed or whatever u call it. also bkerchaz was awesome with sharing the word in Love and helped to impart things
theres still a few i really understand you are one, desert rose and well actually quite a few now days i really get what they are sharing and stephen 63...peterjenz often i understand him thoroughly and appreciate His posts he gets attacked often, but i understand what it comes from i been there too
mostly i find the best value in some of the ones who are argued with because they are speaking good things. i pay closer attention to those rejected by certain crowds.
i look at it now as a blessing and just hold on to what Jesus said about being excluded and insulted for the sake of the gospel. exceeding Joy lol
i also realize at times i have been pretty stubborn, been working on that alot. still stumble but workin hard to Just make sure of my intention being to spread seed the right way, for the right intention. do my best to stray from argumentative threads but its hard on here.
i miss a few members that left because of the constant attacks by the gog crowd especially. pl=ilgrim passing through was my favorite she always had good insight and always had in context scripture, always had a common understanding but i learned much and was able to also share much with her. i emailed with her after she left but got locked our of my email it got spammed or whatever u call it. also bkerchaz was awesome with sharing the word in Love and helped to impart things
theres still a few i really understand you are one, desert rose and well actually quite a few now days i really get what they are sharing and stephen 63...peterjenz often i understand him thoroughly and appreciate His posts he gets attacked often, but i understand what it comes from i been there too
i look at it now as a blessing and just hold on to what Jesus said about being excluded and insulted for the sake of the gospel. exceeding Joy lol
i also realize at times i have been pretty stubborn, been working on that alot. still stumble but workin hard to Just make sure of my intention being to spread seed the right way, for the right intention. do my best to stray from argumentative threads but its hard on here.
Its not funny but it is. I guess because I have been there in a few threads I started. Where you get opposing views coming at you by like 5 people and you answer one only to find 4 more questions or comments. Usually its the same crowd with a few new people who jump in for awhile. But hey thats sometimes reality.