I'm sorry guys but the hateful attitude and name calling has been going on for a long time against a variety of different people with very little provocation. All you have to do is disagree with Zone and you are automatically labeled a heretic, then ridiculed. I have seen this time after time after time. As I stated before, hes giving as good as he gets too, anybody with eyes in ALL of these forums readin all this train wreck can see it......THATS MY POINT..
think the missing train tracks part is coming up yet?
and for the record I don't run in a crew and I call it as I see it and I admit I tend to skim over Zone's post sometimes because even if I were to call her on them I doubt she'd listen because she feels that is what God has told her to do.
I think it is something that happens with all new people who come blazing in to get questioned to find out where they stand and what they believe in especially when they come in and start declaring people are condemned, need to be perfect, wolves, swine, dogs, without the Holy Spirit, heretics, lacking discernment, unintelligent, unworthy of respect, etc.
Eventually if you stand firm in your belief that Jesus is Lord and Savior and HIS SALVATION and through your words and actions show the fruit of the Holy Spirit you find people who will welcome you as brothers and sisters in Christ. that at least is what I have found. If you learn and grow in Christ that is good, if you decide to fight and ridicule others, well eventually those people tend to get banned. Oh and heretics and wolves and trolls get the boot too.
therefore if they have been here awhile then most would consider them brethren in Christ learning to be obedient to Him. I for one think mercy, love and compassion and forgiveness and giving the person the benefit of doubt and asking for clarification would be good policy instead of assuming offense and hurt is meant by another's words