It does not say that at all
It says that day [when we meet the Lord in the clouds] will not come unless the apostases has come first and the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition who opposes everything god so call or object of worship who takes his seat in the temple claiming that he is himself God.
apostases is rebellion and the man of sin is the man of rebellion.
The way you put it is
that day [the rapture] will not come unless the rapture comes first ... no sense at all.
Darby was practicing pure deceit when he substituted falling away for departure, he was smart, too smart to have made a simple mistake. It is a deception.
It says that day [when we meet the Lord in the clouds] will not come unless the apostases has come first and the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition who opposes everything god so call or object of worship who takes his seat in the temple claiming that he is himself God.
apostases is rebellion and the man of sin is the man of rebellion.
The way you put it is
that day [the rapture] will not come unless the rapture comes first ... no sense at all.
Darby was practicing pure deceit when he substituted falling away for departure, he was smart, too smart to have made a simple mistake. It is a deception.
Actually, the word 'departure' is a valid translation for 'apostasia,' however, it must retain the meaning of the Greek word that it is derived from. What they are trying to do, is take the the word departure and then change its meaning to mean depart up into the air to meet the Lord. If they want to use that word as a translation, then it would have to mean departure from their stand in faith and not blasting off into the sky. I tried to explain to them, that they are just blatantly ignoring the definition of the word and its usage in Acts 21:21.
Paul begins with "the coming of our Lord and our being gathered to Him," followed by "the Day of the Lord,' also referred to as 'that day.'
That said, it is the Day of the Lord (the time of God's wrath) that will not have come until the the apostacy and the man of lawlessness is revealed.
The gathering of the church initiates the Day of the Lord in that, once the church is gone then the apostacy will have occurred and the man of lawlessness will be revealed.
The way you put it is
that day [the rapture] will not come unless the rapture comes first ... no sense at all.
that day [the rapture] will not come unless the rapture comes first ... no sense at all.
All one has to do is to look at the definition of the word 'apostasia' and its translated synonyms such as 'rebellion, defection, revolt, forsake, desertion and fall away." It is therefore not possible to force 'apostasia' to mean to departure up into the air?
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