This is madness I tell thee!
There would have been a prophecy about in scripture if God had intended to seal his word for all time in one translation of one language within a narrow time frame of the development of that language.
Jesus told us his words would never pass away and that the scriptures can't be broken, and he told us to go search the scriptures for they speak of him.
Jesus said the Holy Ghost would lead us into all truth, that his words are spirit and life.
In volume of the book it is written of Jesus Christ.
The Bereans searched the scriptures to see if what they were told was true.
Paul told us that all tbat was written before was written to us to learn about righteousness.
Jesus reminded the Jews of what David wrote, what Moses wrote what Isaiah wrote etc....
There isnt one scripture that agrees with any notion that the scriptures would vanish.
The darkness of the dark ages occurred because ecclesiastics hid the gospel and the truth of the New Testament from the common man lest they lose their power over the masses.
You can pretend there exists a cult of what is call onlyistsb but the truth is that anyone believing the scriptures have always been opposed by those that invent man made doctrines and use corrupt scriptures to deceive the common man.