It is a simple , clear Bible fact, that with out the resurrection power of God converting the sinful heart of the sinner, we could never see one soul saved. Salvation is of The LORD. Therefore ,EVERY time we witness, WE must WAIT for the act of GOD to save, convert, the sinner we are talking to. I witness to many, I am an evangelist, and EVERY time, before praying the SINNER'S prayer, I ASK, has GOD make this clear to you, Is GOD moving you to receive Christ into Your life To save you and Rule over you as your LORD? I ask them to repeat it to me, (if time permits) on a jeepee, I don't have time or the freedom, to do all this; But, I can ,(in two minutes) explain, repent, trust and obey JESUS. Because only converted, good people go to heaven. This is what the BIBLE teaches, only the righteous are saved. This is what Rom. 1,2,6,7,8, teaches; only sanctified ,holy people go to Heaven. If you can not agree, don't witness to anyone , because you will seal them in their sin and to Hell. What is in your life, your living, is explainable only by God's work of power and mercy in you? And don't said that all I am commanded to do, I don't ready do it, God does it for me. This is the old Gnosticism, that the Bible condemns as heresy. My living in the power of God is not the same as God doing it thru me. God does His part and I do my part by the Grace, power and love, of God. WE are worker with God. Love to all, Hoffco