thanks to Yahshua for many good posts, He understands a basic principle of the whole Bible, law keeping is required by any one who is and desires to be save; and the GRACE of God is the power that enables us to believe and obey. The big problem, which I have is the traditional interpretation of the Gentles and conscience in rom 2:13-16: for me the context must means these Gentiles are born again,partly by the "work of law written in their hearts" by the Holy Spirits' use of the law to convict of sin, then the Spirit cleanses them of their guilty conscience, this is the "washing of regeneration " Titus 4:5 and the "renewing of the Holy Spirit" rebuilding their conscience to a holy state to know right from wrong. there is no salvation without conviction and renewal. This is sanctification, work done in us, not justification, which is only our new position In Heaven in Christ. New birth comes before Justification. The natural man has no conscience. and the reform believer will tell us, as we hold them to the fire, they will admit, that conscience is not a standard of right and wrong. it is only a feeling of "ought". in natural sinners. Calvin would admit that conscience in sinners is no good to him, it is totally dead, to any good work, total depravity. This gentile in 2:114-16 is a saved gentile and Paul uses his example to shame the hypocritical, lost Jew. The role of conscience in v,15 is on the judgement day, not today.,, Hoffco