there are MANY like him,, I grew up with alot of them. And have seen them all over my travels.
Well im sheltered up here....Men can be abusive and darn mean especially when they have no other iknowledge
how to deal with their responsibilities and maybe that includes people around them. But thats the fallen nature and sin,
and ignorance. Some i spose but id say few men want to be ugly, if given the tools and info i think they would be free
from abuse. But darkness(ignorance) means darkness and they cant pull the right way to be out their ear.
I dont hear them much use the bible to excuse themselves....
We also have laws here that if you swear or scream at anyone its 4th degree assault which comes with jail time
and possibly mandatory court approved councelling....which to me is a blessing in disguised. If a man needs help
he needs help and if the church doesnt catch it id hope the system does for everyones sake including the man.
Plus woman take fullcontact karate here too and theres alot of fireing ranges.

But we dont change scripture
to do our duty. All of us need discipled according to our need. And then this would be avoided, or corrected.
Id like to see churches that were transparent enough where this stuff could be handled as a common issue, rather
then swept under the rug.