It says sabbath in ordinances that are handwritten-
Col 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;
In the KJV it says, 'handwriting of ordinances'.
Not so in the modern translations. Do you know why the KJV translates dogmasin as ordinances?
It looks as though the Sabbath crew must use the KJV only.
God finger wrote the Sabbath commandment.
That is my argument your now using.
The law (sabbath commandment) was given at Mt Sinai. I keep jumping up and down on Exodus 20.
Correct, God wrote it with His finger on two tablets of stone.
Written by the finger of God is not handwritten by man
That's my argument, the sabbath law is Exodus 20.
Do you understand? Sabbath law, law, law, law, ...
Your saying the sabbath law was written in Genesis. I'm saying it was written by God's finger in Exodus 20.
You need to straighten your interpretation out.
Exo 31:18 And when He had made an end of speaking with him on Mount Sinai, He gave Moses two tablets of the Testimony, tablets of stone, written with the finger of God.
Your supporting my reading of the scripture again.
There is more than one sabbath in the scripture, you are using a modern version of Col 2:16 the original has the sabbath(s) plural and Paul made it abundantly clear he was not referring to one of the commandments personally written by the authority of God, that no man can countermand, including Paul- which is why he kept every Sabbath over 30 year later after the cross Acts 13:42-144, Acts 18:4. Jesus Himself indicated it would not end after the Cross Mat 24:20 and will be kept by God's faithful until the end of time Rev 22:14 Isa 56:1-6 Isa 66:22-23
Singular or plural, the seventh day remains the seventh day.
There is only one sabbath, seventh day, recorded in the scripture.
There are not multiple kinds of seventh days.
The Sabbath day is a day of the week.
There is no such thing as an annual seventh day.
You can celebrate a given day as a sabbath rest but sabbath means the seventh day.
Written by God's own finger in Exodus 20![/Quote][/QUOTE]