Look man I understand you are the "pre-trib" warrior here, I know you have all the huge charts, timelines, and events memorized and scriptures that "prove" your view, and now we are just watching the world go to hell waiting for the rapture and escape. I understand everyone you know growing up that taught you (maybe, this is an assumption not knowing you well, so I reserve the right to be wrong about this), respected leaders of huge churches have drilled this into our heads, and believing it I am not meaning in a deceptive way, but do so until this is the total focus of your ministry.
I understand that as much as I understand that sitting here and debating it all day long would just waste time and keep two saints from being out here kingdom building. I understand what you believe. Everybody here, that's been here more than a week knows what you believe on this subject because it's all you ever talk about. Also praise God Hallelujah you are serving the King, please, please, please, know that just because I disagree with you is not in any way an attack on your salvation status, or on you as a person. I actually love your love for out King, Jesus. It is very clear and I would never in any way want you to think I'm tearing at that at all. I'm not. I want to make clear that I am not insulting here, I am by no means saying anyone is not saved, or can't evangelize or anything like that, please understand that.
I am just trying to point out a HUGE difference in perspective these two view bring. In one we are helpless sheep in a world run by satan, we are just waiting, biding our time, watching the enemy destroy everything, and trying to point as many to Jesus before He comes bringing His kingdom, (in a way that we could point to and say "there is His Kingdom", exactly like He told us it wouldn't be BTW", and kind of the same way the Jews that rejected Him were thinking it would come, and still do to this day)
And one side thinks that Our King already has all victory and is seated in heaven, on His throne at the right hand of God with ALL authority in heaven and on earth, sat down until ALL enemies have been made a footstool for His feet. Holla-boo-ya!!!
He told us the kingdom of God was not of this earth, it is of the Spirit, and is what we are reborn into. We are to therefore go and make disciples of ALL nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. I believe that it's all going under Him brother, that He has all victory NOW, and calls everyone to Himself. That's how I see it anyway, that He is has conquered everything already, and it's now being brought under Him. We are to go make disciples of everyone. Call it "pie in the sky", but I call it hope, and I can give you the same scriptures you use to back your view up and tell you how you've got it wrong the back up my view. See? Pointless. But what I don't feel is pointless and find most important is proclaiming the power of Jesus our King to change everything. I am going to speak His power to overcome ALL darkness in this world, rather than hunker down and wait to be fly out of our socks & shoes.
Can you at least see wear I'm coming from? Since He has opened my eyes to this I have been on fire everywhere I go. Like NEVER before, so I'm following Him. He has me out in the streets doing bible studies and proclaiming His word right here in the office watching His power bring a person to tears right in front of me, and not for the first time. Brother Jesus has already done it and we are to proclaim His victory NOW, not later sometime. You make this stuff so complicated you forget that Jesus was talking to the people He was addressing, just like Paul, James, John, Peter, and the other writers were writing to the people they were addressed to. Yes His word is for all people for all time, but we can't forget full context. We can't just take stuff and insert ourselves in it the way is being done here. It's faulty thinking strait up, but I truly hope you (and this does not mean a distant you in a future generation
) understand that it's in love I say these things because He leads me to do the same thing.
I understand that as much as I understand that sitting here and debating it all day long would just waste time and keep two saints from being out here kingdom building. I understand what you believe. Everybody here, that's been here more than a week knows what you believe on this subject because it's all you ever talk about. Also praise God Hallelujah you are serving the King, please, please, please, know that just because I disagree with you is not in any way an attack on your salvation status, or on you as a person. I actually love your love for out King, Jesus. It is very clear and I would never in any way want you to think I'm tearing at that at all. I'm not. I want to make clear that I am not insulting here, I am by no means saying anyone is not saved, or can't evangelize or anything like that, please understand that.
I am just trying to point out a HUGE difference in perspective these two view bring. In one we are helpless sheep in a world run by satan, we are just waiting, biding our time, watching the enemy destroy everything, and trying to point as many to Jesus before He comes bringing His kingdom, (in a way that we could point to and say "there is His Kingdom", exactly like He told us it wouldn't be BTW", and kind of the same way the Jews that rejected Him were thinking it would come, and still do to this day)
And one side thinks that Our King already has all victory and is seated in heaven, on His throne at the right hand of God with ALL authority in heaven and on earth, sat down until ALL enemies have been made a footstool for His feet. Holla-boo-ya!!!
He told us the kingdom of God was not of this earth, it is of the Spirit, and is what we are reborn into. We are to therefore go and make disciples of ALL nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. I believe that it's all going under Him brother, that He has all victory NOW, and calls everyone to Himself. That's how I see it anyway, that He is has conquered everything already, and it's now being brought under Him. We are to go make disciples of everyone. Call it "pie in the sky", but I call it hope, and I can give you the same scriptures you use to back your view up and tell you how you've got it wrong the back up my view. See? Pointless. But what I don't feel is pointless and find most important is proclaiming the power of Jesus our King to change everything. I am going to speak His power to overcome ALL darkness in this world, rather than hunker down and wait to be fly out of our socks & shoes.
Can you at least see wear I'm coming from? Since He has opened my eyes to this I have been on fire everywhere I go. Like NEVER before, so I'm following Him. He has me out in the streets doing bible studies and proclaiming His word right here in the office watching His power bring a person to tears right in front of me, and not for the first time. Brother Jesus has already done it and we are to proclaim His victory NOW, not later sometime. You make this stuff so complicated you forget that Jesus was talking to the people He was addressing, just like Paul, James, John, Peter, and the other writers were writing to the people they were addressed to. Yes His word is for all people for all time, but we can't forget full context. We can't just take stuff and insert ourselves in it the way is being done here. It's faulty thinking strait up, but I truly hope you (and this does not mean a distant you in a future generation
You place others as defective because they are wasting their time here.
There are several offices and callings.
Ministry is diverse.
Helps ministry is as rewarding as what you do.
Healing ministry even more rewarding.
Your judgement against end times study is misapplied big time.