yes, that's what Roger was getting at, and what i hoped you'd say
i don't manipulate God, saying "i'm a prophet - watch me prophesy"
or "i can heal" or cast out demons or raise the dead or whatever -- none of us "choose" the gift, but the Giver does.
i'm not a prophet. i'm not a healer. i'm not an exorcist. i'm not a "tongue-speaker" -- the Spirit of God lives in me, and it is that Spirit that is all these things, and more than that, greater than all those things - the Spirit works in me faith, hope and love.
to trust God, to have sure hope, and to love -- these are greater works than physical signs. those miracles were done so that others might see them and have faith! so that because of them others might have hope! so they worked to accomplish a greater thing!
if we were to boast in the Lord and His goodness towards us, we might be granted to be used to display His power. but if we boast of gifts & powers, isn't it vain? won't the Lord humble us because of our pride?
if God uses me to prophesy or to teach, i will not say "i am a prophet" or "i am a teacher" -- let another praise me, and not my own mouth. let God be praised, who works in ((manipulates)) me. if a tree is cut down, we say the one wielding the axe did it, not the axe itself.
You are absolutely right in this, that boasting is a sign of falsehood. Like your axe the one and only thing we bring to this table is our availability. And we should take little more away from the experience than an ever sharper blade of praise for God. That's a point of discernment between the real and the false... who or what ultimately gets the glory? If it's God chances are it's real, if it's the participant chances are it's not.
The trouble here lay in the inability of a participant to convey personal experience without using the word "I". Too often the word I is taken to be boastful instead of descriptive.
Roger and I are a perfect example of all this. I (sorry there's that word again but please if you know another way to express it please let me know) have seen mountainous miracles performed by God, because I have had faith and like a good axe made myself available to them. And that's ALL I've had to do with them, is to tell God I believe He still does such things and that hey, if some day You might have use for this piece of human trash in delivering one count me in. That's it, that's all I can do and have ever done. And bless His Holy Name if He hasn't used this piece of trash to do just that. But really it was all Him, other than standing there with a dumb look on my face my involvement only happened to be right place/right time and
So I share these experiences with Roger, and even tho they be lengthy and involved all he hears is one word - I. He thinks I'm boasting and thumping my chest when really, 1,000% in my heart of hearts, my soul just cries and begs that he learn to "put your name here". The only reason I share these things with him is to say hey look at what you're missing out on.
And by your missing out, God is missing out on a chance to help someone, who is then
also missing out on a chance to receive one. But his pride won't let him see that, or even entertain it. The point of the things I share
is that a woman who was near slicing her wrist was taken to a place of safety and hope; a child for whom the raising of the waves confirmed God's power; a man who's anger towards God was mitigated by a vision and revelation... THAT THAT THAT is what I want Roger - and those like him - to see and hear in my relatings. But nope, deyup deyup deyup, all's he heres is "I". "Why's that boastfuul sob! I's don't wants no pawt in such things".
But you do. You really really do. It's only the availability of the axe that enables the lumberjack to topple the biigest trees. That's what the word "I" is trying to tell you.