Something to notice here on CC is no matter how many verses we all post they are read in the way each person has learned them or is learning them and then they refute it with another verse and then there are these long posts of people having 'verse fights'.

I posted a bunch of verses and people didn't like the way I put them together and many of them were not read anyway. And there were other verses posted by other posters and those posts probably were not read.
The basic issue here is some have experienced tongues and have found the experience totally lacking and wrong. While others have and DO speak in tongues and are blessed. Angela for instance already gave her testimony of how bogus it all is and proceeded to give all the verses with her interpretation. Many of us have already read those verses and interpret them differently than she and others here do.
I was raised in a church like many of you guys here who do not accept the gifts for today. I can appreciate your strong issues and know exactly why you have them since I had the same and vehemently apposed the gifts for today just like many on CC do.
But the facts of what God has shown me goes against your facts. It's not about lack of reading my Bible or being brainwashed by emotions. Angela and I have past each other in the hall sort of speak., She was going out from one place to another and I was going from one place to another. Just like many other Christians here and other places on the planet do each day.
There are tons of godly people on each side of this issue. Not knowing the Bible is not the issue here ., I'm like many here who already know them back and forth. And yet still have come to different conclusions. There comes a time when each of us has to follow what the HolySpirit is teaching us. It gives me a deep appreciation for the verses like - let God be God and every man a liar. Not that people are lying but that God knows best and it is Him we follow not men and their feelings and opinions. Or if we will be disliked or misunderstood so be it that is part of growing and learning.
To respectfully agree to disagree is the mature and Jesus way to relate when we don't agree on something like this. God can handle our differences and eventually so can we. That is when the love of Jesus comes in right!?

It's the love of God that constrains us.